Vitamins in strawberries: what benefits do they bring to the body. What vitamins are in strawberries and how to use them correctly


The aroma of strawberries is dizzying, and the taste is incomparable.

However, this berry has another important advantage: a large number of vitamins.

What vitamins are found in strawberries?

Despite the sweet taste, there is surprisingly little sugar in strawberries - less than in lemon. As part of this amazing berry with bones, there are substances outside that can relieve pain and restore brain cells, whiten tooth enamel and prolong youth.

Of particular value are, of course, vitamins in strawberries. Berries are the most important substances for health and beauty.

• Vitamin A (tocopherol, beta-carotene) improves vision, protects against cancer, keeps skin young and beautiful.

• Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. It stimulates the production of its own collagen, preventing the skin from aging, and the oval of the face from sagging, maintains the vessels of the brain and heart muscle in a healthy state. In addition, this wonderful vitamin lowers cholesterol, prevents oncology, and prevents photoaging. To satisfy the daily need for ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat only six fragrant berries.

• Vitamin B1 (thiamine) makes a person energetic, alert, has a good effect on the nervous system, and stimulates cell renewal. It also helps to lose weight by breaking down fats and sugar in the blood.

• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) takes an active part in metabolic processes, stimulates cell renewal, strengthens eyesight, protects the liver and improves its functioning. Riboflavin is important for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, which is important for the immune system and maintaining a normal weight.

• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) fights stress and alleviates their negative effects. Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of the "homon of joy" - endorphin. That is why strawberries increase the mood of even the darkest person.

• B9 (folic acid) improves blood quality, strengthens memory, promotes successful conception and gestation, and prevents fetal abnormalities. By the way, there is more folic acid in strawberries than in grapes and raspberries.

• Vitamin E (tocopherol) - a beauty vitamin. It helps the skin stay supple, young and beautiful, strengthens nails, makes hair shiny. Tocopherol stimulates tissue regeneration by healing skin microtraumas. The combination of this vitamin with retinol enhances reproductive functions and enhances potency. In order for this complex to be better absorbed, strawberries should be eaten with milk fats, for example, yogurt or sour cream.

• Vitamin K improves composition and increases blood coagulation. Therefore, with a tendency to thrombosis, eating strawberries is not worth it. This vitamin protects blood vessels and promotes the production of red blood cells.

• Vitamin D has a beneficial effect on the bones, strengthens them, ensures the correct formation of the skeleton in children. The redder the strawberry, the more this substance is in it.

The abundance of vitamins in strawberries makes this berry incredibly healthy. Moreover, it really can beneficially affect health.

The benefits of vitamins in strawberries

There are several facts about fragrant strawberries that are useful to take note of. Of course, it is difficult to call her a healer berry, but strawberries can have a beneficial effect on the body due to the high content of vitamins. Here's how the berry works:

• increases hemoglobin, which is useful for iron deficiency anemia;

• kills microbes in the oral cavity, so it can be a tasty medicine for tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;

• helps to cope with edema and impaired liver and kidney function due to the choleretic and diuretic effect;

• stimulates intestinal motility, therefore it is useful for constipation;

• restores impaired metabolism, helps reduce weight in obesity.

It is believed that vitamins in strawberries protect smokers from cancer. Of course, you should not think that you can overeat a berry and save yourself from the risk of oncology. But strawberry fresh treats do contain a lot of antioxidants that have anti-cancer effects.

How to use strawberries in home cosmetology

A large number of vitamins in strawberries provide it with great popularity as a product for the preparation of homemade cosmetic masks.

The berry is especially good for solving the following problems:

• freckles and age spots;

• fading, flaccid skin, sagging oval face;

• acne, inflammation, acne.

Due to organic acids, strawberry pulp acts as a mild chemical peeling. The berry can simply be crushed and applied to the skin, or mixed with clay or liquid honey. As a result, the face will be smoothed, the skin will become lighter, pimples will dry out, inflammation will pass.

How to eat strawberries

Of course, eating a berry is better than fresh, right from the garden. And such a strawberry, as, incidentally, in frozen, is only 35 kcal, and a minimum of sugar allows even diabetics to enjoy the fragrant miracle.

From fresh or frozen berries, you can make remarkably tasty mousses, smoothies, light curd desserts. The main rule, so as not to destroy vitamins, is no heat treatment. Strawberries can be added to biokefir, oatmeal, homemade yogurts, and low-calorie jellies.

Strawberry jam, jam, compote - it is delicious, but, unfortunately, not as useful as fresh berries. Firstly, a lot of sugar. And this is contraindicated for people suffering from excess weight and diabetes. Secondly, during cooking, more than half of the nutrients are destroyed. The calorie content of sweet desserts compared with unprocessed berries increases sharply due to sugar and is about 285 kcal

Can strawberries hurt

The benefits of vitamins in strawberries are very high. And if you remember that the berry has mineral and other valuable substances, then you want to eat its handfuls. But, unfortunately, there are some diseases and temporary conditions in which strawberries can harm the body.

• You can’t eat the berry during an exacerbation of an ulcer or gastritis, as the acids contained in it will irritate the inflamed walls of the stomach, causing pain.

• If there are stones in the liver, kidneys, bile ducts, then a strawberry diet due to the choleretic and diuretic effect can cause stones to move and cause painful colic at best, and at worst - blockage of the ducts.

• It is forbidden to eat strawberries all for the same reason with renal failure. Increased urine outflow to overload diseased kidneys will seriously worsen the condition.

• With gout, other inflammation of the joints and ligaments, strawberries can aggravate pain.

Do not forget that red berries with a strong aroma, albeit pleasant, are allergens. Therefore, with a tendency to allergic reactions, you need to try strawberries with great care. And small children under three years old should not give strawberries at all. It is especially dangerous for the first lure.

It is very beneficial for all healthy people to eat summer strawberries. This is a real cocktail of valuable living vitamins, which strengthens our health, and makes our skin and hair beautiful.


Watch the video: 5 Health Benefits of Eat Strawberries (July 2024).