Grilled beef - meat with a blush! Grilled beef steaks with vegetables, onion, honey, garlic and mayonnaise marinade


Grilling is a wonderful way to cook tasty but not fatty foods. This option is especially appreciated by adherents of a healthy diet or people who monitor weight.

You can grill any meat, but especially beef. Still would! It smells so good!

Grilled beef - general cooking principles

For grilling, you can buy ready-made steaks or a piece of meat, which is cut independently. The main thing is to take into account the thickness of the pieces. It should not exceed 3 cm. It is better to use fresh beef or veal for grilling, since it is more difficult to make a piece from the freezer juicy, tender. It is advisable to marinate the meat for the grill.

What to use:

• spices;

• mustard, mayonnaise and other prepared sauces;

• onions, garlic and other vegetables;

• fresh, dry greens, provencal herbs are popular.

Pieces sprinkled with spices. Rub, pour marinades. Before putting on the grill, the excess must be shaken off. Often the meat is wiped and sprinkled with oil, which will help to get a beautiful crust and prevent beef from drying out.

You can cook steaks and just pieces of meat on different grills: natural, electric, in pans. But the surface must be warmed up. Also, do not pre-remove the meat from the marinade or bowl so that the beef does not lose moisture.

Grilled beef steak in coffee marinade

A recipe for a very unusual coffee marinade for grilled beef steaks. Additionally, you will need ketchup and balsamic vinegar.


• 4 steaks;

• 5 tbsp. l strong boiled coffee;

• 100 ml ketchup;

• 2 tbsp. l balm. vinegar

• salt pepper;

• 1 tbsp. l oils.


1. Dry the washed beef steaks.

2. Combine ketchup with boiled strong coffee, add balsamic vinegar, put spices, salt and mix well.

3. Rub the meat with the cooked marinade, put in a bowl. All that is left over is simply poured from above.

4. Marinate the beef for two hours. You can leave it for longer, preferably all night, especially if the meat is not very young.

5. Now we take out the pieces and shake off the excess marinade. We take paper towels and wipe the meat.

6. Rub the steak with butter. You can take olive or any other vegetable oil.

7. Send to the preheated grill, cook the beef first on one side, then brown the second part.

Grilled beef in mayonnaise marinade

Mayonnaise is an ideal product for marinating beef. But we are talking about a real sauce, which is made from eggs and butter. When buying, see that the fat content is at least 65%.


• 800 g of beef;

• 150 g of mayonnaise;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp ready-made seasonings for meat;

• salt;

• 0.5 tsp mixture of peppers.


1. Cut the meat in plates or slices as you like. Thickness no more than three centimeters. We take a kitchen hammer, cover the meat with a film and lightly beat it off, knock once in each place.

2. Chop the garlic, mix with mayonnaise. We spread a mixture of peppers to them or just one of any kind, salt, put seasonings and grind well.

3. We shift the marinade to the beef, rub all the slices with our hands, stir well and cover.

4. Leave the meat for at least three hours. Of course, it is better to stand beef all night or all day, you can spend a whole day. In this case, it is advisable to keep the product in the refrigerator.

5. Take out the pieces of beef, shake off the excess mayonnaise from them, transfer to a preheated grill and cook!

6. As soon as the meat is browned on one side, turn over.

7. Add the prepared beef with herbs, serve with ketchup or sour cream sauce, fresh vegetables.

Grilled Beef Steak

The recipe for a rosy, aromatic, delicious grilled beef steak. So that the meat is well marinated, it is advisable to soak it in the evening.


• 1 head of garlic;

• 4 steaks;

• 2 tbsp. l mustard;

• 100 ml of soy sauce.


1. Disassemble, peel the whole head of garlic. Half the cloves you just need to grind. It is better to grate so that large pieces are as small as possible. The remaining cloves are cut thinly.

2. We wash the beef, wipe it and make a thin knife puncture from the rib. Insert the garlic on several sides.

3. Combine the garlic with mustard, dilute the mixture with soy sauce. Grate steaks, fill with marinade, if it remains.

4. Cover, remove the pickle in the refrigerator. We periodically change the meat in places: lift the bottom up and vice versa.

5. Preheat any grill, put the beef. Cook the garlic meat for several minutes on each side until the fried crust appears.

Grilled beef in honey marinade

Honey marinade with soy sauce is suitable for absolutely any meat, poultry, and grilled beef can also be soaked in it. You can prepare a dish from small pieces or cut steaks as you like.


• 50 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tbsp. l honey;

• 60 g of beef;

• 1 tbsp. l mustard;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• spices to taste.


1. Honey should be taken liquid. But this can not always be found. Therefore, we take the product and heat it. Can be put in the microwave for a few seconds or in a bowl of hot water

2. Now add mustard to honey. You can use homemade or purchased sauce. Sometimes it is done with mustard powder if there is no diluted product. Triturate until smooth.

3. We dilute all this with soy sauce, put seasonings, spices for meat to taste.

4. Peel the cloves of garlic, each cut into 3-4 parts, pour into the sauce.

5. Now we are engaged in meat: the sea pieces, wipe, cut the desired size.

6. Pour beef with honey sauce, mix. Leave to marinate for at least 40 minutes. The maximum time is unlimited.

7. Put the prepared beef on the surface of the grill, bring to readiness.

Grilled beef steak with vegetables

The recipe for a complete dish that does not need any additions. It is best for grilled beef steaks to take young and light meat, as the time for pickling pieces is minimal.


• 2 zucchini;

• 2 bell peppers;

• 3 steaks;

• 1 tsp Italian herbs;

• 1 lemon;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• salt.


1. Combine Italian herbs with juice squeezed from a small lemon. Mix and pour in the olive oil. You do not need to add anything more to the marinade.

2. Rub the steaks with marinade, set aside for ten minutes.

3. Peppers are cut in half, throw out seeds and other unnecessary parts.

4. Wash the small zucchini, cut into pieces.

5. Sprinkle the vegetables with the marinade, which remains, and also leave for a few minutes.

6. We are engaged in the preparation of the grill: turn it on, warm it up. As long as there is time, you can prepare greens for decoration dishes.

7. Sprinkle beef with salt, quickly grind on the surface of steaks and send to the grill.

8. Also add the vegetables, put them near the meat on the surface of the grill.

9. Cooking everything together. After browning the crust on the first side, you need to turn the pieces of products upside down.

10. We take it out, put it all together on the plates, supplement it with greens and immediately serve it to the table!

Grilled beef (onion marinade)

To prepare such a grilled beef marinade, it is better to choose juicy onions. A minimal set of spices is used here, but any seasonings can be additionally taken.


• 1 kg of beef;

• 500 g of onion;

• 1 tsp with a slide of salt;

• 1 tsp black pepper or a mixture of peppers;

• 1 tbsp. l vinegar.


1. Peel the whole onion, cut into half rings, but not finely. We throw 2-3 pinches of salt, sprinkle the vegetable with vinegar.

2. Immerse your hands in the onion and begin to gently knead it until the mass becomes very wet.

3. Now take the beef. We rinse, wipe. We cut pieces of any size and shape.

4. Spread onion and meat in layers on the bottom of the container. You need to start with onions and also finish with vegetables.

5. Close the container. Leave the beef for marinating. You can periodically turn the dish upside down.

6. We take out the beef from the onion, put it in one layer on the heated grill.

7. Cook until golden brown. We serve to the table immediately from the fire, until the beef has cooled down.

Grilled beef steak with rosemary and thyme

Rosemary is an amazing marinade ingredient that changes the taste and aroma of meat beyond recognition. But how to put it in beef steaks?


• 0.7 kg of beef;

• 5 sprigs of rosemary;

• 5 branches of thyme;

• 4 tbsp. l oils;

• salt, 5 peppercorns.


1. We chop branches of rosemary and thyme.

2. Crush peppers with peas. Combine with herbs, add olive, but you can also any other vegetable oil. Stir.

3. Cut the meat into steaks up to 2 cm thick.

4. Rub the beef on all sides with greens and butter.

5. Leave the meat for half an hour. This time will be enough to prepare and warm the grill.

6. We take out the meat, sprinkle with salt, grind, immediately send to the grill.

7. When the dish is cooked, the remaining greens can burn, which is normal for this dish.

Grilled beef - useful tips and tricks

• Do not use large amounts of lemon juice or vinegar when marinating meat. Acidic beef gets stiffer, and the steak can be dry. If you like the taste and aroma of lemon, then you can sprinkle the meat after cooking already in a plate.

• American chefs believe that metal or plastic dishes should not be used to marinate beef steaks. In an ideal embodiment, porcelain, ceramics, glass are used. And you definitely need a tight lid.

• No need to use a lot of salt for pickling, as it draws moisture from the meat. It is better to add the pieces on the grill or directly on the plate.


Watch the video: How to Cook Perfect Roast Beef. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).