Why would you want to cut your hair: yourself, girlfriend or someone else? Basic Interpretations - What do I dream about cutting hair


Dreams can warn a person from rash actions, or they can push to certain decisions that will qualitatively change his life.

Why dream of cutting hair? What does such a dream promise?

Why dream of cutting hair - the main interpretation

Beautiful and magnificent hair is the dream of every girl. Someone from birth has gorgeous strands, someone makes a lot of efforts in order to strengthen hair. By cutting them, you give them the opportunity to upgrade. But what does the dream portend in which thick and lush strands cut you off? Does it bode well, or is it worth fearing misfortunes?

It is important to pay attention to such details of sleep:

• Who cut your hair;

• Have you cut your hair short?

• Have you cut yourself?

• Whom did you cut in a dream;

• What emotions the dream caused you.

Many dream books interpret hair cutting in a dream as a very negative sign, which should make a person think about their safety. Perhaps you are dreaming that you accidentally went into the hairdresser and slightly trimmed the ends of your hair - such a dream promises you minor troubles. They will be caused by planned routine affairs, which you cannot escape even with a great desire.

If you dream that you were in the role of a hairdresser - such a dream indicates that your actions can bring some imbalance to the life of your loved ones. It is worth taking a closer look at who was in your hairdressing chair. If this is your beloved, you will be very unhappy with him and his behavior.

The reasons for this dissatisfaction will be objective, the main thing is not to lose heart and not focus on the partner’s shortcomings. If you want to maintain a relationship - treat all his mistakes more condescendingly.

If you dream that you cut a very short other woman unfamiliar to you - such a dream can promise you financial losses due to the intervention of unauthorized persons in your life. It may be a conflict in business, at work. Dream Interpretation advises you in any situation to save your face and not allow to bring you to emotions.

If you dream that the other girl is cutting you very short, and at the same time you are in pain, such a dream means that you will soon encounter a rival who will be more dodgy and prudent than you. At the same time, rivalry can prove itself not only in personal relationships, but also in professional ones.

If you dream that several masters are cutting you at once, you will fall into the cycle of events, and rumors will be made about you. If you want to avoid gossip - do not dedicate outsiders to your life too much. Most likely, some of your close people will start rumors.

If you dream that you are cutting your mother or father - you should take care of their health - in the near future, it may be worsening. If a pregnant girl dreams that she is being cut, such a dream portends the threat of miscarriage or other difficult situations during pregnancy and childbirth.

If you dream that you cut gray strands yourself - such a dream promises you to get rid of the negative experience of the past. You have revised your attitude to many situations and now make decisions easier. It is important to remember if you cut all the locks of gray hair. If you dream that you can’t cut them out in any way, such a dream means that the past rules you, and in the clutter of days you can’t decide what you want.

Perhaps you want to calmly move on through life, but your memories interfere. Or you like to feel sorry for yourself and live in the past. In order to interpret the dream completely, it is necessary to take into account all its symbols.

It is also important to listen to what emotions accompanied you sleep. If these are emotions of confusion and resentment, then you should expect significant negative changes in your life. If these are emotions of pleasure, joy - such a dream means that the minor losses that you will suffer in life will allow you to reach a new level. If you cut your hair in a dream and you really like the new image - such a dream promises cardinal changes that you have long been counting on.

Why dream of cutting hair in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it says what dreams of cutting hair - to losses and betrayals. You should remember who in a dream cut your hair, perhaps you knew this person by sight. Then you should be vigilant and not share secrets with loved ones.

If the hairdresser was not familiar to you - such a dream indicates the possibility of meeting a very cunning and resourceful person. The purpose of his communication is financial gain, so think three times before trusting a stranger. If you are dreaming that you yourself act as a hairdresser - remember what mood you were doing the hairstyle for - if it is joy, then you will enjoy helping your friend.

If you cut someone in a dream with anger and indignation - such a dream promises you anger and waking, but the fault of this will be someone else's negligent attitude to work. If you dream that someone has cut off a strand of hair and hid it - the evil has lurked, someone is waiting for the right moment to strike you and your reputation.

If you dream that you have been trying to cut a strand of hair for a long time, and it doesn’t work out for you - the dream book gives advice not to cut it hot and now do not make rash decisions. You now need to come to terms with the situation so that you can calmly consider all your further actions.

Why dream of cutting hair in Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that if you dream about how you yourself go to the hairdresser to cut your hair, such a dream indicates your readiness to change your partner. You are bored with life with him, you really want to change the situation for the better, but with a different partner.

If you dream that it is your partner who cuts your curls - such a dream means that he will deceive you more than once. If you dream about how your partner cuts another girl, he may begin to flirt with another, but this flirtation will not end in anything serious.

If you dream about how your mother cuts your hair, she does not approve of your choice in love. Listen to her advice so that your heart stays calm If you dream that you are pregnant and go for a haircut - such a dream means that you will get a lot of trouble and trouble if you decide to insist on the birth of the firstborn. Do not force things, most likely your partner is not ready for such a decisive step.

If a lonely girl dreams of a young and beautiful hairdresser - such a dream means meeting a promising young man, but it does not live up to your hopes, you will soon be disappointed in the chosen one. If a lonely girl dreams of an empty chair in a hairdressing salon, such a dream portends her to a long stay unmarried.

Why dream of cutting hair in other dream books

In Miller's Dream Book it is said that hair is an embodiment of a person’s natural strength and if in a dream he cuts them off on his own, such a dream means that he will lose his strength due to his will and because of his actions.

If hair falls out in shreds in a dream, just sprinkles on the floor - such a dream portends health problems and other troubles that cannot be avoided. If a stranger cuts you in a dream - it's time to take a closer look at your surroundings and not let outsiders into it.

In Loff's Dream Book it is said that hair cutting portends a loss of finances due to frivolous behavior. You should be more alert and try not to waste your emotions and strength in vain. The French dream book says that if you cut long braids, such a dream means that you should expect good news. Depending on what you plan to do with cropped hair, the full interpretation of sleep is tacked.

If you cut your hair too short and remained bald - such a dream suggests that soon you will see wonderful and positive changes. You will get good connections, new acquaintances, you can replenish your budget due to fruitful cooperation. Crying in a dream because of cropped hair - crying in reality for nothing. Do not be upset, you just expect a more difficult period of life. All adversity will soon end. The tests that you got - will allow you to change yourself for the better.


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