Pork on the bone - recipes for the most delicious meat. How to cook pork on bones in the oven, in a slow cooker and on the stove


Real gourmets know that the most delicious meat is on the bone!

From ribs, shanks, entrecote, you can cook a variety of dishes. They are baked, fried, stewed on a stove or in the oven, there are a lot of interesting recipes for a slow cooker.

There are many options, but all dishes are united by an unusual aroma, which without a stone simply does not exist.

Pork on the bone - general principles of preparation

Pork on the bone is prepared either in large pieces, usually within 2 kg, or ribs and other small parts are used. In the second case, vegetables, mushrooms, and cereals are usually added to dishes. If a piece is large, for example, a shank, then it can be pickled in advance, greased with sauce, a sleeve, foil is used for cooking in the oven, otherwise the meat will turn out dry or it will not be baked.

The cooking time of meat directly depends on the size of the piece, as well as its quality. Do not use old pork from an adult animal for baking, it is better to stew on a stove or in a slow cooker. If the pig was young, the meat is good, the pieces are small, then it is cooked quickly in any way, it turns out tender and juicy.

Pork on the bone: recipe with potatoes in the oven

There are many ways to cook pork on the bone, but the easiest way is to bake it in the oven. Foil is used here. The larger the piece of meat, the longer it will take to prepare the dish. Here a piece up to a kilogram is used.


• 800 g of meat with bones;

• 700 g of potatoes;

• 0.5 heads of garlic;

• seasonings, dry herbs;

• a spoon of mustard;

• 40 g mayonnaise.


1. Rinse a piece with a bone. With a sharp knife, make punctures on the pulp, where it works, put the peeled garlic cloves inside. If they are large, then it is better to cut.

2. Salt mustard cool, add any seasoning for meat or just pepper to it, mix thoroughly and grate a piece with a bone. You can immediately transfer it to foil, even if it is marinated for now.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut the large tubers in half, use the small ones whole. Rinse the vegetable thoroughly, drop it into a bowl.

4. Add salt, pepper and spread the mayonnaise. Stir the potatoes in a bowl so that all the tubers are covered with sauce.

5. Now cover the pork around the potatoes.

6. Pack everything in foil, send for 1.5 hours to the oven, temperature 190,

7. Once the time is up, the foil on top can be cut, slightly bent, let the meat and potatoes brown until a delicious crust.

Pork on the bone in beer

A recipe for amazing meat. For such pork on the bone, you can use any piece or even a knuckle, but the cooking time in this case will have to be adjusted independently. In addition, a mixture of spices for meat is used, but you can limit yourself only to pepper.


• 1 kg of pork with bone;

• 1 glass of beer;

• 1 onion head;

• garlic, seasonings for meat.


1. Choose the form in which we will bake the meat, it is desirable that it is not very large and suitable in size. Lubricate the bottom with a few drops of oil.

2. Onion cut into large pieces, spread on the bottom of a greased form. It is needed so that the piece does not burn, does not stick.

3. We garlic a piece of meat with garlic, as much as possible, do not overdo it.

4. We take dry seasonings for meat, mix with salt and rub the whole piece, we pay special attention to the recesses.

5. We shift the meat to onions. Gently pour beer on the side, try not to blur the layers of spices.

6. Pull a piece of foil onto the mold, send a piece of pork to the oven.

7. Cook for 70 minutes at 180 degrees. Then we pierce the meat with a knife in the thickest part, if it is soft, then add the temperature to 240 and stand the dish for another 15 minutes, but now you do not need to cover it.

T-bone pork: potted recipe

Another boneless pork recipe for which it is better to use ribs. They fit perfectly in a pot, obtained juicy and tender.


• 700 g of ribs;

• 4 bell peppers;

• 10 carrots;

• 3 onions;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 0.5 bunch of parsley;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• spices;

• 1 tablespoon of walnuts.


1. Peel the pepper, cut into strips, throw into a bowl. Chop onion and carrot in the same strips, add to pepper. Cut tomatoes at random, add to the rest of the vegetables.

2. Cut the parsley and nuts, pour into the cooked salad. Season with spices, pour over oil, stir.

3. We wash the ribs, cut them so that they easily pass into the pots, salt.

4. Put the pork on the bones in pots, sprinkle with plenty of vegetables. We try to fill in the voids.

5. Cover the pots. Water or sauces do not need to be added to them, there will be enough juice released from vegetables during languishing.

6. Such pots are prepared for 1 hour and 20 minutes, the temperature in the oven is 180 degrees. Then the oven should be turned off, and the dish should be left for another 15 minutes. You can throw a clove of garlic under the lid of each pot or add a small piece of cheese.

Pork on the bone with mushrooms (ribs)

The recipe for a delicious dish of pork on the bone and mushrooms. It is desirable that the mushrooms are the same size.


• 700 g of ribs;

• 500 g of small champignons;

• 2 tablespoons of olive oil ;;

• 200 g sour cream;

• 130 g of cheese;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 30 ml of soy sauce.


1. Rinse the mushrooms, spread on napkins to dry.

2. The same with the ribs. Cut, then wipe.

3. Put everything together, sprinkle with salt, pepper, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and mix.

4. We shift the mushrooms with pork into the form, send to the oven. Cook at 200 degrees 30 minutes.

5. During this time, you need to mix sour cream with soy sauce, add chopped garlic.

6. We take out the form, grease everything with sour cream, re-send it to the oven, now we cook another 20 minutes.

7. We take out the form with mushrooms and pork for the last time, fill it with cheese, send it to bake until golden brown for another 15-20 minutes and you're done!

Pork on the bone: homemade roast recipe

The recipe for a simple pork pork dish. Ribs are best used, but other small pieces are also suitable.


• 0.7 kg of meat;

• 0.8 kg of potatoes;

• some oil;

• various spices;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 onions;

• 1 tablespoon of pasta.


1. Cut the meat in portions. Pour a little oil into the cauldron, warm it up properly, start the meat and fry over high heat until it is rosy.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces. Chop remaining vegetables with straws.

3. First add the onions and carrots to the fried meat, fry, then put a spoonful of tomato. Warm up together.

4. Pour potatoes and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water. At this stage, salt, pepper, put any mixture of spices to your taste.

5. Cover the cauldron, quickly bring the dish to a boil, then reduce the heat to the minimum and simmer for about 40 minutes. No need to interfere.

6. At the very end, launch the laurel, herbs, if desired, you can add fresh or dry garlic to the roast.

Stewed pork on the bone: a recipe for a slow cooker

Recipe for pork on the bone cooked in a slow cooker. One large piece of meat is used, but you can also cook ribs or other pieces, less time is needed.


• 1 kg of pork;

• 2 tsp seasoning for meat;

• 1 laurel;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 80 ml of water.


1. Pour a spoonful of oil into a multicooker cup.

2. Rub a piece of meat with a mixture of spices, if they do not contain salt, then add. We shift into a multicooker cup.

3. Put one bay leaf on top of the meat. No longer needed, otherwise the aroma will be too saturated.

4. Pour prescription water into the bowl. But you can also use beer, with which pork goes well.

5. Close the multicooker.

6. We put out a stewing program for a piece with a bone, and we cook the dish for exactly two hours.

7. Check the meat. If suddenly it is not soft enough and gentle, then time can be added.

Pork on the bone with vegetables

Another recipe for pork on the bone in a cauldron. It is advisable to use small pieces that will be well-fried and do not require additional stewing. The ribs fit perfectly.


• 0.5 kg of pork;

• 2 eggplants;

• 0.5 kg of potatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 bunch of parsley;

• 1 zucchini;

• 1 bell pepper;

• salt, oil, various seasonings.


1. If the pieces are large, then they need to be chopped. Then put in a heated cauldron, fry over high heat until brown.

2. While the pork is cooked, chop the onions with carrots. Pour over the fried meat, cook for several minutes together.

3. Cut the eggplant into cubes, fill it with cold water, rinse and squeeze. We shift to a heated frying pan with oil, fry over high heat until light crust.

4. Cut the potatoes, add to the meat. Now everything needs to be slightly salted, sprinkled with spices.

5. Put the chopped zucchini on the potatoes. If he is not very young and the skin is thick, it is better to cut it off.

6. On top of the zucchini is laid out Bulgarian pepper. All slightly add.

7. Now the fried eggplant, salt, pepper.

8. Finish the dish with sliced ​​tomatoes. Gently pour 0.5 cups of water from the edge, but more is possible. Close the cauldron.

9. Stew for 45-50 minutes. At the end, stir, add herbs, garlic.

Pork on the bone - useful tips and tricks

• If a piece of pork is baked without cover, the bone must be wrapped in foil so that it does not burn.

• If the meat is almost ready, but does not want to lightly brown, it can be greased with a mixture of honey and soy sauce, then add temperature and hold in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

• Onion is an ideal meat supplement, especially pickled in vinegar. You can put it under the piece as a pillow and not worry that the pork will burn.


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