Oat bran: the benefits and harms of coarse oat fiber. How to eat oat bran with health benefits and can they be harmful?


Supporters of a healthy diet learned about the benefits of oat bran thanks to the diet of the Frenchman Ducane.

Now this product can be found in stores and pharmacies as easily as the bran from wheat or rye familiar to Russians.

What is remarkable about the husk of oat?

What is oat bran

Indeed, bran is an exfoliated hard shell of grain. In the flour mill for a long time it was considered almost garbage, although our ancestors favored bran bread. Today bran is considered one of the components of a healthy diet, and nutritionists have explained why bran bread is more useful than baking from premium flour.

Oat bran is a byproduct of oat processing. Grain itself is used to make cereals, oat broth or cereal. It is a delicious, high-carb product. It is far from always useful, unlike oat bran. They are useful because it is in the grain shell that contains almost 90 percent of all the useful active substances of oats.

In the composition of oat bran, scientists found:

• coarse non-digestible fiber;

• substances that strengthen vision - lute, lycopene, zeaxanthin;

• antioxidants;

• amino acids;

• beta-gluten, necessary for the removal of fatty acids from the body;

• B vitamins, PP, H vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, K, T, D;

• minerals in the form of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Eating oat bran is good for your health. It’s only important to do it right, as this product has its own characteristics.

Useful qualities of oat bran

Nutritionists say with admiration about the cleansing properties of oat bran. The harm of fatty, junk food is known to everyone who is interested in healthy eating. So bran - any, not necessarily oat bran - can clean out from the gastrointestinal tract not only harmful fats and undigested food remnants, but also toxins that poison the lymphatic system. As a result, the work of the most important organs is normalized: the pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys and liver.

The work of bran in this sense is usually compared with a brush that sweeps garbage out of the body. This is due to coarse fibers that are not digested in the stomach - they cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the stomach, the fibers swell, absorb cholesterol, bile acids and toxins, and then evacuate naturally. In addition, the swollen bran mass perfectly solves the problem of constipation, stimulating healthy bowel function.

The benefit of oat bran was appreciated by those who suffer from severe hormonal and immune diseases. Exfoliated oat shells must be included in the diet for the following ailments:

• atherosclerosis;

• diabetes;

• hypertension;

• decrease in immunity;

• obesity.

Fiber reduces the harm from fatty foods, while maintaining the patency and elasticity of blood vessels. It reduces the rate of assimilation of starch contained in food and lowers the glycemic index of food products, which is very important for diabetes. The use of bran quickly improves health, relieves swelling with hypertension. Active substances, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals contained in oat bran, are useful for reduced immunity.

Oat bran slimming

Obesity is a disease of modern civilization. Excessive consumption of sugar, fat, simple carbohydrates leads to a catastrophic increase in the number of people whose weight is significantly higher than normal. This, in turn, is a direct path to heart disease and diabetes.

Thanks to oat bran, fighting excess weight is easier and more enjoyable.

• Firstly, eating bran, you will not feel hunger on a diet. In water, they instantly swell, increasing in volume by almost a third. This means that satiety will be felt for a long time and will not allow overeating.

• In addition, bran is a slow carbohydrate, which means they minimize hunger and reduce cravings for sweets.

• By adjusting the intestines, relieving constipation, bran restore normal metabolism. A clean intestine works like a clock, preventing food from being stored in fat.

The formula for fast weight loss is the normal metabolism of carbohydrates and fats plus a clean bowel. Oat bran fits perfectly into this formula, despite a decent calorie content - 130 kcal. However, in comparison with oatmeal (300 kcal), this figure is half as much. So with proper use of harm from oat bran will not be at all, but the benefits - as much as you like.

Harm of oat bran

Any food product can be potentially dangerous or undesirable for a chronically ill person. Oat bran will cause direct harm in the following cases:

• acute stage of gastritis;

• gastritis with low acidity;

• exacerbation of peptic ulcer;

• adhesions and erosion of the gastric mucosa.

The fact is that bran is difficult to digest, and for an inflamed, weak stomach, this food is too heavy. With damaged mucosa, coarse fiber can cause inflammation and intensify pain.

You can not use bran if a person takes some medications. They simply absorb the active substances of drugs, and treatment will not give a positive result.

If the ulcer and gastritis are in the stage of compensation, without a pronounced inflammatory process, then bran can be eaten. But only after consultation with a doctor and in a very small amount, which the doctor should also determine.

How to eat oat bran

For a healthy person, the norm of bran per day is 30 grams. These are approximately four tablespoons with a slide. An important nuance: for bran to start working in the intestine, they must swell. Otherwise, there is no point in using them. Therefore, it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid at the same time as bran: water, broth, juice.

How to use bran:

• add to soups, salads, cheesecakes, omelettes and cereals;

• mix in minced meat when baking or frying cutlets;

• fill in the bran rate with kefir, insist, and then eat as a light dessert or the main menu on a fasting day;

• add to baking, including cottage cheese dough for pies or dry cookies.

You can even make porridge from bran if you pour them with hot milk and insist. Dried fruits, butter, nuts can be added to such a dish if desired. In general, turn bran porridge into a traditionally morning dish very similar to it.

In order to lose weight, you can steam bran and eat them just like that. It is necessary to take a third of the daily norm, pour boiling water with boiling water and swell the product dates. After 20-30 minutes, drain the excess water, and eat the swollen mass. Not everyone likes this "dish", so you should not heroically overcome difficulties: just add steamed bran to ordinary food.

You need to start using oat bran a little. The fact is that the body can react to them at first too violently. For starters, you can limit yourself to one or two teaspoons per day. If no unpleasant consequences in the form of heartburn or upset stools are observed, then within a week you can gradually reach the recommended dose. The main thing is not to forget to drink water after taking bran.


Watch the video: Can I Eat Oatmeal on a Ketogenic Diet? (July 2024).