Annual dahlias: planting instructions and care in the open ground. Mistakes in growing annual dahlias, diseases and pests


Annual dahlias bring bright colors in the autumn days. And their care is so simple that only a lazy gardener does not grow dahlias on the site.

In addition, once planting annual dahlias, their tubers can be saved for annual planting. How to do it?

Secrets of planting annual dahlias

Not every gardener knows that flowers grown from seeds form tubers that can be stored until spring. But you need to do this correctly, since during storage the tubers can dry out or become ill. You can save the tubers before planting in wet sawdust or sand. Boxes with plants are installed in a basement or other cold place before the onset of heat.

But what if you do not want to store tubers or if there are no suitable conditions for this? Dahlias can be cultivated as annual plants. In a harsh climate, when the cold comes unexpectedly, and there is no time to dig tubers, they do just that.

Planting annual dahlias is carried out by seedlings, which are grown in advance. It is better to start sowing seeds in March or early April.

1. Preparation of containers for seedlings. The containers are cleaned of dust and washed in hot water. So that the delicate shoots do not suffer from excess moisture, be sure to make drainage holes at the bottom of the container.

2. Seed preparation. Dahlia seeds are soaked in a warm solution of growth stimulant for 12 hours. This helps speed up the germination process.

3. Soil disinfection. For growing seedlings choose a neutral loose substrate. If garden soil is used, then before planting it must be disinfected in the oven and pour with a solution of potassium permanganate.

4. Sowing seeds. Tanks for seedlings are filled with the prepared substrate, slightly moisten the soil and evenly distribute seeds on it. They are quite large, which will facilitate the process. Sprinkle the seeds with soil.

5. Germination. The container with seeds is covered with glass and removed to the light. Seeds germinate quite quickly, already on the third day you can notice the first sprouts.

As soon as many sprouts appear, the glass is neatly cleaned. Further care for seedlings of annual dahlias is simple. Young shoots need regular watering. When the Senti let out a pair of real leaves, they are dived into separate containers. If this is not done, then the bush will grow only up.

Pickling of seedlings is carried out in separate spacious containers. For transplantation use loose nutrient soil. Dahlia seedlings are buried to cotyledon leaves.

After two weeks, you can carry out the first feeding of seedlings. It is better to choose a complex mineral fertilizer for flower seedlings. After feeding, the sprouts develop quite quickly and need to be pinched. If everything is done correctly, then the seedlings will be strong and will easily transfer the transplant to a permanent place.

How to care for annual dahlias in the open ground

Before planting seedlings on a flower bed, it is important to determine the place of cultivation. Dahlias prefer open sunny areas, which allows them to fully bloom. The soil on the site should be neutral and fairly loose. The bed must be dug with the addition of mature humus and sand.

Landing time

Dahlias are very fond of warmth. They are planted in open ground at the end of May, when the last wave of frosts left. The dahlia area is leveled and holes made. The distance between the holes depends on the dahlia variety, as some bushes grow quite tall and lush. The optimal distance is from 30 to 60 cm between the bushes.

After planting, the seedlings are slightly shaded, so that it quickly adapts to a new place, and the scorching sun does not injure the delicate petals. After a few days, the shelter is removed.

Watering and feeding

Annual dahlias are unpretentious flowers that can do without additional fertilizing, but their flowering will not be so bright. To bloom abundantly, dahlias are grown on fertile soil using complex top dressing.

1. The first time the plant is fed two weeks after transplanting seedlings. Use the infusion of mullein, which is prepared at the rate of 2 buckets of manure for 7 buckets of water. Insist mixture for one week. Before watering, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 3: 7. For each bush spend up to 2 liters of infusion.

2. The second time dahlias are fed during the budding period. At this point, phosphorus and potassium are most important to the plant. Top dressing is done with complex mineral fertilizer for flowers.

3. The third time they feed the flowers at the end of August, so that the tubers ripen. To do this, they are watered with a solution of potassium sulfate. But if there is no need to store the tuber, then the third top dressing can be omitted.

Dahlias are watered often, but not very much. The main secret to the successful cultivation of this flower is to moisten the soil 25-30 cm deep. If the groundwater lies too high, then it is necessary to ensure their diversion or to well drain the hole during planting.

Pest control

Dahlias can be affected by caterpillars, slugs, fungal diseases and rot.

As a preventative measure, a dahlia plot is well dug and lime well in the fall. This will help to cope not only with caterpillars, but also protect the plant from Fusarium. Signs of this dangerous disease are wilting of apical shoots and buds, while the lower shoots become brown. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, the bushes are treated with complex preparations against fungal diseases.

In addition, dahlias often suffer from putrefactive diseases if the site for their cultivation is incorrectly selected. The first signs of disease are wilting plants, the appearance of spots on leaves and shoots. With such symptoms, fungicides are used.

Mistakes by gardeners when growing dahlias

Despite the fact that all cultivation conditions are met, many gardeners are unhappy with the flowering of dahlias. Flowers bloom poorly, some buds remain underdeveloped. What is the reason?

The thing is that annual dahlias form a lush bush. From each sinus of the leaf, new shoots develop, which bloom over time. This explains the long and abundant flowering of dahlias. But under the conditions of Russia, only the central shoot and upper lateral shoots manage to fully develop. The buds are formed on them first of all, they manage to bloom. But their flowering is not very bright. Why it happens?

The plant spends all its efforts on the formation of lower lateral shoots, which slows down the flowering of the main ones. To prevent this from happening, at the very beginning of development, the plant is regularly stepsoned. Every week, the lower side shoots break out, giving the plant the form of such a bush: a central shoot and 3-4 lateral. If this is not done, then the bush grows disheveled, flowering is delayed, part of the buds remains underdeveloped.

Caring for tall annual dahlias is slightly different. In addition to plucking the side shoots, remove all lower leaves at a height of up to 45 cm.

Annual dahlias, grown in accordance with all the rules, will surely please with bright and memorable flowering.


Watch the video: LIVE: 3 Easy Flowers to Grow From Seed & LIVE Q & A (June 2024).