Walnuts for immunity: how to maintain health without pills. Gifts of Mother Nature - immunity walnuts, recipes


Persistent colds unsettle. You are haunted by a breakdown, drowsiness - these are the first signs of a decrease in immunity. For those who do not like pills, there is not only an effective, but also a tasty way to improve health. This product was presented to us by nature itself - walnuts for immunity.

Health Benefits of Walnuts

Any disease is easier to prevent at the initial stage than to treat further. Even if you do not feel unwell, it is always necessary to strengthen immunity.

Walnuts have a good effect on immunity. In folk medicine, both the nuts themselves and their leaves are used. To restore the protection of the body, it is enough to eat five nuts a day. And from the leaves of walnut make tonic decoctions.

It is easier to list the vitamins that are not in the walnut, than to talk about what it contains. This is a real treasury of useful substances. Walnuts are rich in calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, and magnesium.

The composition of the walnut contains a large amount of protein. According to the nutritional value, 100 grams of walnut can replace a piece of pork chop.

In addition, the nut is rich in essential oils, vitamin C and B vitamins. Doctors recommend including the nut in the daily diet in the spring and during colds, for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Walnuts are used to treat cardiovascular diseases and digestive organs. It prevents the development of tumors, improves brain function.

Walnut accelerates all metabolic processes in the human body, which means it improves overall well-being, gives vitality.

Walnuts with honey for immunity

The combination of walnuts with honey is a panacea for all diseases. This recipe gives the body a huge surge of strength, boosts immunity, and prevents vitamin deficiency. To prepare a honey-nut mixture, you need to cook unpeeled nuts and natural honey.

Note! Nuts should not be crushed with a knife or other non-metallic objects. Upon contact with the metal, the nut will immediately lose its beneficial properties.

Nuts need to be peeled and remove all partitions. Break them into small pieces, be sure to break them with your hands. Put the nuts in a jar and add the honey at the rate of two to one. The mixture should be infused. We close the jar with a paper lid, as honey must breathe.

We leave nuts in honey for a minimum of two weeks, but it is best to withstand them for at least a month. Over this period of time, nuts will interact with honey and exchange their beneficial components.

Take this remedy one teaspoon per day. It will be useful to use it, both adults and children.

Walnut contains about 80% of healthy fats for the body. Honey is able to relieve inflammation, have a tonic effect, and activate protective functions. Therefore, a mixture of honey and nuts is effective against many diseases.

Do you know that unripe walnuts are even healthier than ripe? According to its healing properties, it several times prevails over its counterpart. Green nut is able to rejuvenate and strengthen the body, it has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

To prepare a mixture of honey and nuts, a one to one proportion is taken. You will need one kilogram of nuts and 1 kilogram of honey. Since an unripe nut has a bitter taste, it is best to take fresh, fragrant acacia honey. It is the sweetest and due to this the bitter taste of the nut will soften.

For the recipe, you need to chop the nuts, add honey and leave in a dark place for several months. Use walnuts with honey for immunity

There are two ways:

• Nuts can be removed from the jar, strain the honey, and eat one teaspoon three times a day. This mixture is recommended for anemia, strengthening immunity, improving memory.

• The mixture can be used as it is without filtering. It will help cleanse the intestines and liver, as well as get rid of extra pounds.

Walnuts with lemon for immunity

You can inflict a crushing blow on colds using components such as:

• one lemon;

• one glass of chopped walnuts;

• one glass of liquid honey.

This mixture of healing products will cope with any cold and infection. She effectively fights against reduced immunity and cardiovascular disease. In addition, it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

To prepare the mixture you need to twist the lemon in a meat grinder, mix it with nuts and pour honey. Place the resulting mixture in a jar and take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Walnuts with lemon for immunity can be consumed by both adults and children. The main thing is to make sure that you or your children are not allergic to the components of the mixture before use.

Walnuts with dried apricots for immunity

Adding your favorite dried fruits, you can get an original and very tasty remedy for all diseases. For cooking, you will need to grind in a meat grinder one lemon, 100 grams of dried apricots, previously soaked and 100 grams of walnuts. Pour the resulting mixture with 150 grams of honey. The resulting product is stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon half an hour before meals three times a day. A mixture of so many ingredients is enough for three weeks, then you need to take a break for ten days and repeat the course again.

This vitamin mixture has no contraindications. All components are natural, do not contain dyes and harmful additives.

Dried apricots helps strengthen the heart muscle, improve vision, prevents the development of anemia. In combination, the ingredients increase immunity, strengthen the body, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Walnuts with dried apricots for immunity will become a reliable protector of the body against infections and colds throughout the winter and the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

Immune Raisins Walnuts

Walnuts with raisins for immunity are a wonderful prevention of many diseases, giving the body strength and energy. To prepare a vitamin recipe you will need:

• Raisin seedless 100 grams;

• dried apricots 100 grams;

• 100 grams of walnuts without shells and membranes;

• 100 grams of flower or acacia honey;

• One lemon.

All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, mixed with honey. The mixture must be stored in a cold place and eat a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

There is such a mixture all year round, as soon as you feel that immunity is reduced. But be sure to take a break.

Properly using the gifts of nature, you can forget about colds and pills for the whole year. Walnuts for immunity will support you in tone, protect the body from colds and flu. A delicious vitamin mix will allow you to forget about doctors and bed rest. Indeed, in winter there is so much interesting that there is simply no time for sores!


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