How to raise a girl 3-5 years old?


The difference between the behavior of boys and girls is noticeable from birth. From the age of 3, when the baby clearly takes its place in the "father-mother-I" triangle, the methods of education can be adjusted taking into account gender. The character of the child changes and becomes more complicated, emotions become deeper, protests become brighter and more conscious. It's time to apply methods based on the difference between boys and girls.

Many mothers with children of both sexes note that sons and daughters aged 3-5 years behave very differently. On the one hand, it seems that raising a daughter is easier - she is much more careful, accurate and thoughtful than a young experimenter. On the other hand, at the age of three, she already knows how to cheat, pretend, and perfectly manipulates those around her - at least her spells turn dads and grandmothers into submissive slaves, at most - her mother bends under her tricks. The ability to use these features for the benefit of both ourselves and the child is the key to the harmonious education of the baby and her successful personal life in the future.

Five tricks to properly educate girls

1. beauty

Undoubtedly, a little girl often hears enthusiastic compliments addressed to her. However, each child is individual - one becomes a true yoke already from the cradle, the other remains a sort of tomboy in school. But whatever your daughter, compliments and admiration should be present in the life of every girl.

3 years is quite a suitable age to start instilling a certain taste. Of course, we are not talking about the ability to distinguish the original Louis Vuitton from a fake. But the habit of neat, clean clothes for the baby will not hurt.

2. Emotionality

Girls are much more emotional than boys, and in the future this difference will increase. Daughters more often admit their ardent love for their parents, while resentment begins to ripen in small hearts very early. Demonstration of warm reciprocal feelings is very important - do not hesitate to repeat your growing daughter about your love as often as possible. Body contact is also important - it is better to start and end the day with a strong hug. For some reason, some believe that open feelings can be spoiled. It is important to remember that there is never much love, but the suppression of sincere feelings can make a man withdraw from himself from early childhood. Love should not be poured out only on the child - ideally, when there are warm, sincere relationships within the family, because right now she has laid the model of behavior that will be its foundation and life credo for many years.

3. Caution

Do you know why boys tease girls with cowards? Because it doesn’t occur to them that the refusal to put a not very clean frog in your pocket or jump into a snowdrift from the roof of the garage is explained by rational caution. Therefore, it’s much easier to talk and convince a girl - it’s enough to explain to her the danger of an action. It is important here not to go too far - believe me, her imagination is well developed, and her mind is deep already in 3-4 years, so drawing horrors and troubles is not necessary. Tell her about the possible consequences, but do not intimidate. Otherwise, there is a danger of developing excessive caution in it, bordering on inertia.

4. Thrift

Too often mothers inculcate daughters in the attitude of domestic work as a dull duty, without noticing it themselves. In some girls, the reaction to maternal kitchen slavery can result in a sharp protest and denial of any domestic work, while in others it may lead to the recognition of work as a difficult but undeniable duty of any woman. Both that, and another, undoubtedly, are extremes. Every woman is able to teach her daughter to perform household chores. To do this, you need to connect the baby to help in a playful way - after all, sculpting snails from this test is no less exciting than from plasticine. Share with a little helper the secrets of female witchcraft - at this age, your household skills seem so attractive to her - it is important not to miss this golden time.

5. Flexibility

Of course, voting for and against, pleasing both ours and yours is not the most commendable skill. However, the female essence itself is so flexible, cunning and gentle that only women are given the talent to become an arbiter in the most difficult situations. Such flexibility is easy to ruin at a young age - after all, some parents are too categorical, and prefer to bend their line, breaking the personality of the child. Be attentive to your daughters - if you have to apply too much pressure to achieve the result you want, maybe you should reconsider your own views? As a rule, it is not necessary to go ahead in the upbringing of a 3-5-year-old girl - if at some point arouses violent protest and complete denial, then the error will most likely lie not in the child’s reaction, but in the will of the parents.

Probably, there is no mother who at least once in her life would not come to a standstill in raising her own children. Sometimes we run out of arguments and arguments for persuasion and exhortation, and at other times it begins to seem that we are going the wrong way. At such moments, we think that education is a difficult and thorny path full of mistakes and falls. But sometimes it’s better to just stop and remember your own childhood - after all, most of the answers to our questions lie in it.


Watch the video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).