Yeast cake with apples in the oven - airy! Closed and open yeast pies with apples in the oven


Apple pie is not only charlotte, which has narrowed its mouth in a literal and figurative sense. Great apple pies are made from lush or puff yeast dough. The filling is juicy, even if you use jam, but when you have fresh apples, you will need angelic patience - to pull away from the dish with the cake of young sweetened ones.

Oven cake with apples in the oven - general principles of preparation

• When kneading dough, in most cases, dry, quick-acting yeast is used. They are unpretentious in storage and less capricious in work. The yeast is pre-diluted in liquids with added sugar and a small amount of flour or filled with other ingredients undiluted. If the yeast is bred, the mixture must be allowed to stand warm for a while so that it rises with foam.

• Yeast dough is kneaded not only from flour. Often it is prepared from grated to small grater of boiled potatoes or with cottage cheese. The flour must be reseeded several times to make the baking more airy.

• Blended yeast dough is sure to give time to rise. For this, a bowl of dough is covered with a cloth and placed in heat. The formation of the pie begin only after it doubles in volume.

• The apples for the filling are ground on a grater or cut into thin plates. Sour varieties must be sprinkled with sugar or mixed with it. Sometimes the apple filling is stewed before the pie is put on a slow fire, before the apple juice is evaporated.

• Oven baked apple pies may be open or closed. Sometimes their top is covered with a mesh of yeast dough, covered with specially prepared powders or meringues.

Airy yeast cake with apples in the oven


• white baking flour - 2 glasses;

• 80 gr. sugar

• 70 gr. quality margarine;

• an egg and another yolk;

• fine salt - 1/2 tsp;

• a teaspoon of granular yeast;

• 150 ml of cow's milk;

• 700 gr. apples

• granulated sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Pour yeast into a small bowl or half-liter jar. Add sugar to them, add six tablespoons of flour without a slide and mix well. Then pour warm milk and mix well again, trying to break all the lumps into which the flour was knocked.

2. Cover the prepared yeast mixture with a clean cloth and set aside for 20 minutes. To make the yeast activate better, it is advisable to place the bowl with the dough closer to the heat. Put the sliced ​​margarine in a large bowl and let it stand for a while. When the pieces of fat become soft, pour the dough that has risen with a frothy cap, add the yolk, pour two tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly, without rushing.

3. Then, adding half a glass of flour, knead the dough, which is not very tight, well behind the bowl and hands. Cover the container with a damp, thin towel and place in heat to lift.

4. After about an hour and a half, put the doubled dough on a flour-dusted table and thoroughly wash it with your hands. After that, form a ball out of it, transfer to a bowl and again remove closer to the heat, covering with a towel.

5. When the dough rises well, knead it again and proceed to the formation of the pie.

6. Apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the walls and the bottom of a round shape with a diameter of 25 cm.

7. Divide the yeast dough in two equal parts. Roll out one of them in a circle, in diameter one and a half centimeters more than the prepared form and put in it. Get the lower crust with low sides.

8. Cut the peeled apples into thin slices. Add sugar to the apple slices, mix gently and put the filling on the lower crust.

9. Roll out the second part of the dough, cut into thin strips and lay them on top of the apple filling, intertwining with each other in the form of a lattice. You can cut leaves or flowers from the dough and spread them evenly on the surface of the cake, fixing with toothpicks. Wooden sticks after baking will definitely need to be removed.

10. In a small bowl break an egg, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, the same amount of water and beat well. With the prepared mixture, grease the dough on the surface of the cake and place the mold in the oven.

11. The cooking time depends on the type of oven and on average takes from half to 3/4 hours, when heated 180 degrees.

Open yeast cake with apples in the oven (with meringue)


• butter, preferably homemade - 50 gr.;

• 200 ml of non-fat pasteurized milk;

• high-speed dry yeast - 7 gr.;

• 50 gr. plain white sugar;

• three yolks;

• premium wheat flour. - 375 gr;

• 8 gr. vanilla sugar or 4 gr. vanilla powder.

To the filling:

• one and a half kilograms of sweet apples;

• granulated sugar - 20 g .;

• pudding with creamy taste - 20 gr. packaging;

• pasteurized 3.4% milk - 250 ml.

In meringue:

• a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

• 100 gr. white cane sugar;

• three proteins;

• 50 gr. crushed hazelnuts.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the butter into small cubes or thin cubes. Dip the pieces of butter in hot, but not boiling milk, and mix well until they are completely dissolved.

2. Pour the seeds that have been sifted several times into a large bowl. Add yeast, vanilla and regular white sugar, mix.

3. Gently break the eggs. Drain the squirrels in a cup and set aside temporarily, and add the yolks to the flour.

4. Pour warm milk with melted butter into a bowl of flour mixture. With a mixer with a nozzle for hard dough, at the lowest possible speed, beat everything until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Cover the bowl with a cloth towel and keep warm for an hour.

5. Remove the peel from the apples, and cut the fruit into slices. Remove the remnants of the seed box and cut into thin slices along.

6. In accordance with the recommendations on the packaging, prepare a creamy pudding with the addition of milk.

7. Mark well-enlarged dough well on a surface sprinkled with flour. Then transfer to a roasting pan moistened with vegetable oil and roll out so that it is possible to form small sides on the sides.

8. To prevent the cake from being thin, for a given number of products it is better to take a 30 × 40 cm baking sheet.

9. On the surface of the rolled yeast dough, apply the cooked pudding in a thin layer and carefully lay the apple slices on it in a cascade.

10. Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes, keeping the temperature at about 180 degrees.

11. While the cake is baking, prepare the meringue. Pour the leftover proteins into a bowl, add sugar mixed with cinnamon powder to them, and beat thoroughly. Once the protein mass is dense, stop whipping and transfer it to a pastry bag, setting the nozzle in the form of a large asterisk.

12. Remove the baked cake from the oven and quickly apply protein strips to its surface. Sprinkle the nuts on top and place the cake for a quarter of an hour back into the oven.

Delicate yeast cake with apples in the oven from the curd dough


• fat cottage cheese - 150 gr.;

• two eggs;

• 10 gr. granulated "instant" yeast;

• 100 gr. oily thick sour cream;

• 170 gr. Creamy Margarine;

• baking white flour - 200 gr.;

• 200 gr. sugar

• 2 gr. baking powder;

• four large ripe apples.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the margarine (150 grams) in advance from the refrigerator compartment and place in a bowl. When it softens well, add sugar to 150 grams and beat. Pour in the yeast, add the yolks, mix thoroughly.

2. Enter the cottage cheese, pour the flour sifted with the baking powder, mix until a paste is obtained.

3. In a separate container, beat the whites intensely and transfer the resulting thick foam into a bowl with the dough. Carefully, but not for a long time, from the bottom up, stir the whipped squirrels into it and put the bowl in the heat for half an hour. Be sure to cover the container with a linen cloth so that during this time the surface of the dough is not covered with a hard crust.

4. Halve the apples into very thin slices. Peeling fruit is optional.

5. On the bottom of a mold greased with margarine or vegetable oil, lay out half of the dough rolled out by a layer. On it, in a thin layer, laying tightly, to each other, lay the apples.

6. Roll out the remaining dough and lay the layer on the apple layer. From above, fill it with sour cream whipped with sugar and put the remaining apples on it, slightly pressing the slices into the pouring.

7. Melt the remaining margarine, grease them with apples and set the pie for up to 45 minutes. into the hot oven. Optimum heating - 180 degrees.

8. Cool the finished cake right in the mold and remove from it.

Yeast cake with apples in the oven under the crumbs


• two tablespoons of thick natural sour cream:

• a glass of pasteurized milk;

• 100 gr. thickened cream;

• 50 gr. white sugar;

• fresh yeast - 50 gr.;

• 600 gr. white flour;

• 700 gr. apples, preferably Antonovka.

For baby:

• 250 gr. wheat flour;

• a small lemon;

• "Peasant" oil - 150 gr.;

• 150 gr. granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Heat the milk. Do not boil, it is enough to bring the liquid to a temperature of 38-40 degrees.

2. Crush the yeast into a small bowl with your hands, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Then pour warm milk (half a cup), pour a couple of full tablespoons of flour and mix. It is best to beat the flour which has been knocked together by lumps with a whisk.

3. Put the prepared yeast mixture into heat and wait until it rises with a hat.

4. Mix the remaining milk with melted butter. Add the suitable yeast, add the whole measure of flour and knead the dough. Cover it with a cloth and place in heat until it doubles in volume.

5. Put the well-suited dough into a roasting pan, wiping it before this swab with vegetable oil, and carefully level it with your hands in a layer of a centimeter thickness. Cover with a cloth and leave for half an hour so that it rises well.

6. On the risen layer of dough through a coarse grater, rub peeled apples and evenly distribute the chips across the entire surface.

7. Pour boiling water over the lemon and peel the zest from it, removing it with a thin layer using a fine grater.

8. Mix the chopped zest with flour and intensively grind with your hands until fine crumbs with softened butter.

9. With the oily crumbs cooked, sprinkle the apple layer and place the cake to bake when heated at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Yeast Pie with Apples in the Oven - Strudel of Potato Dough


• a pound of potatoes;

• two eggs;

• low-fat cow's milk - 200 ml;

• chopped orange peel - a teaspoon;

• 30 gr. fresh, “ordinary” yeast;

• two tablespoons of odorless oil;

• one and a half kilograms of apples;

• a pound of wheat flour;

• 200 gr. granulated sugar;

• a small handful of nut kernels;

• a spoon of cinnamon pounded in a mortar;

• breadcrumbs, white, coarse grind.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the potatoes from dirt in warm water and cook until cooked, without peeling. Then drain the broth, and cool the tubers well, laying them on a plate. Peel the peeled potato and rub its tubers in a bowl with a fine grater.

2. Add orange zest, raw eggs, sugar. Salt a little, add vegetable oil and mix.

3. Dissolve the crumbled yeast in warm milk. Pour the yeast mixture to the potato mass, add all the flour and knead the dough with medium density. Form it with a ball and leave it on a flour-powdered table for one hour to rise. Do not forget to cover with a towel, otherwise it will wind off.

4. Peel the apples from the apples, rub the fruits on a coarse grater. Combine the resulting fruit mass with cinnamon and sugar and simmer over low heat. When all the juice has boiled out of apples, remove the filling from the stove.

5. Raised potato yeast dough, roll right on the table with a not too thin square-shaped layer. Sprinkle its surface with breadcrumbs and spread the stewed apple filling evenly on it.

6. Sprinkle apples with finely chopped nuts on top and wrap everything in the form of a roll.

7. Carefully transfer the cake to a baking sheet covered with parchment, grease its surface with vegetable oil and set to bake in the 180 degree mode for 25 minutes.

Simple closed yeast pie with apples in a puff pastry oven


• a pound of purchased puff yeast dough;

• 100 gr. peeled walnut kernels;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of ground kritza

• one egg;

• 50 gr. refined sugar;

• 150 gr. apricot jam;

• three large apples.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the frozen dough in advance by removing its layer from the packaging onto a surface abundantly sprinkled with flour.

2. Cut the peeled apples, remove the seed and chop into cubes.

3. Chop the kernels lightly with a knife. Mix chopped apples with nuts, sugar, and cinnamon.

4. Thaw the semifinished puff pastry in half. Roll one of the pieces into a rectangular cake, 0.8 cm thick. After winding up on a rolling pin, transfer a layer of dough onto a baking sheet and evenly spread the prepared filling on it.

5. Roll out the second piece of dough with the same layer and make stitches about 4 cm long on it in a checkerboard pattern. Slightly stretch so that the holes open slightly and cover the resulting mesh with the top of the pie. Carefully fasten, pinching the lower and upper layer of dough and tuck the seam under the cake.

6. With a culinary brush, grease the surface with a beaten egg and place in heat for 20 minutes for a distance.

7. Put the baking tray with apple pie in the oven and bake for the next 20 minutes, until an even golden crust forms on its surface.

8. Lubricate the finished, not cooled cake with hot apricot jam and serve to the table when it has cooled slightly.

Oven cake with apples in the oven - cooking tips and tricks

• Dissolve yeast only in warm liquid. Yeast diluted in excessively hot or cold liquids will not work, the dough will not rise, and the baked goods will be spoiled.

• Do not put the kneaded yeast dough on a draft; it does not like this. To ensure the fastest rise, the room should be warm.

• It is not necessary to use eggs to grease the cake; its surface will be well browned if greased with sugar syrup. If the cake is not greased before baking, you can walk on the surface of the hot dough with butter.


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