January 22: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 22

"Birthday" popcorn

It is impossible to find a person who does not know anything about the "popcorn" called popcorn. Unfortunately, it is not known who and when the first noticed such an interesting property of this product, which manifests itself when exposed to high temperature. It is possible that this happened during one of the frequent fires in ancient times. In favorable conditions, corn grains are stored for a long time, and do not lose their quality. This is evidenced by a historical fact: during excavations of burials in Peru, archaeologists discovered corn grains there. They have been there for more than a thousand years and most of them, and in our time, can be used to make popcorn. At these excavations not only grains were found, but also vessels that were used in antiquity for the preparation of “popcorn”. These products were made of clay and metal. They were diverse in size. Even in the VI century, many people who were native Mexicans used popcorn not only as food, but also adorned them with necklaces and hairstyles. Europeans learned about popconre only in the 7th century. At that time, the leader of Quwedecain presented the colonists with a bag of popcorn. After 200 years, Charlie Cretez created Popper. This device was intended for the preparation of "popcorn". It will not be superfluous to note that it was because of the popcorn that the development began on the creation of a microwave oven. If you expose raw corn grains to microwave radiation, they will “explode”, just like during heating, if placed on fire. Subsequently, Percy Spencer patented this new technology, which today is very popular. But by the way, it must be added that from the point of view of medicine, popcorn itself and especially the process of its preparation are very harmful to the body.

Grandfather's Day in Poland

According to tradition, the Poles after their grandmother's holiday celebrate Grandfather's Day. Many of us remember pleasant moments and days spent with grandparents. Thinking and beloved grandparents I want to rejoice, and sometimes to grieve. It was they who gave us in childhood the tenderness, warmth and affection that we so needed. These people have always supported and guided us on the right path. For some reason, it turns out that grandparents spend less time with grandchildren than grandmothers. Probably because it is believed that men express their tender and affectionate feelings more restrained than women. However, another time it was precisely this that was necessary for the beloved grandfather to support. On Grandfather's Day, all the inhabitants of Poland drop in to visit their beloved grandfathers. It is customary to bring along various gifts that cause a lovely smile on the face of beloved relatives, these gifts express warmth and concern for loved ones. When the whole family gets together, they sit down at the table, and at a delicious dinner discuss the news and various funny family stories. Poles are very fond of this day and are happy to visit their native people.

January 22nd in the folk calendar

Philippi day

In the Orthodox Church, this day is dedicated to St. Philip of Moscow. Philip lived his life during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, he was known as the accuser of the oprichnina. It was because of this occupation that he fell out of favor, he was sent into exile, and a little later he was killed by Malyuta Skuratov. Filippov day people consider a day of household chores. During the long time the holidays of business affairs usually accumulated a lot, and the peasants tried to bring their own home, and also themselves, in perfect order. On this holiday, it was necessary to clean, wash and go to the bathhouse. People called these rituals "flushing Christmas time." There are many sayings related to Filippov Day, they are devoted to women, because it is on the female share that the main chores of the house fall out. On this day, people looked at the weather: if the weather was clear, in the summer you could wait for a rich harvest, if the domestic cattle that walked in the yard went back to the stall, it means that it will be freezing weather and it will snow.

Historical Events January 22

January 22, 1969 attempt on Leonid Brezhnev

In January 1969, astronauts of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft were solemnly met in Moscow. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev himself met the cosmonauts at the airport, cosmonauts and the general secretary also went to the Kremlin for celebrations. The government motorcade without incident drove all over Moscow, but, without reaching the Borovitsky Gate, the motorcade's vehicles were fired upon. Suddenly, the live broadcast of the solemn event was interrupted, many did not understand at all what had happened. Rumors circulated about the emergency in Red Square. But few in the country doubted that the shots at the Kremlin gate were directed against Brezhnev. The terrorist was immediately detained; he turned out to be a twenty-three-year-old officer of the Soviet army, Viktor Ilyin. On the eve of the incident, he defected from the location of his military unit, grabbing two Makarov pistols and several full cartridges of ammunition. In Moscow, he stopped by his relative, who served in the police, having stolen his uniform, and went to Red Square. When the government motorcade drove up to the main Kremlin gate, Ilyin, fired two guns at the second machine of the column, assuming that it was Secretary General Brezhnev who was in it. However, the offender miscalculated, in the second car the astronaut Leonov was driving, who almost died from the shots, the only one whom Ilyin killed was the limousine driver I. Zharkov. In addition, a motorcyclist escort escort suffered, which neutralized Ilyin, closing him a review of the shelling, a motorcycle. Of the astronauts, no one was hurt. A special commission of inquiry was created; Ilyina was personally questioned by the head of the KGB, Andropov. For the attempt on the head of the Soviet state, the terrorist was facing the death penalty. However, due to strange circumstances, Ilyin was recognized as insane, and sent to forced psychiatric treatment. He spent about twenty years in a mental hospital. He was released in 1990.

January 22, 1919 unification of the UPR and ZUNR

An outstanding event of the unification of the two Ukrainian republics, at present, this event is referred to as the "Acts of Zluka". The proclamation of the act of association took place on January 22, 1919. One of the reasons that led the ZUNR leadership to unite with the UNR was the aggressive policy of Poland against the Ukrainian republic. It is no accident that the ZUNR leadership sent a diplomatic mission to the Hetman of Ukraine, Pavel Skoropadsky, asking for help in the fight against Poland. However, by this time Skoropadsky’s hetman had fallen and power in the UPR passed to the so-called directory. Envoys from ZUNR were forced to negotiate with the directors of the directory: V. Vinnichenko, S. Petlyura, A. Andrievsky, F. Shvets and A. Makarenko. The result of the negotiations was the signing of preliminary agreements on the theoretical possibility of unification of the two Ukrainian states. But soon a real unification of the UPR and ZUNR took place. In the first year after the merger, radical measures were taken to deepen the integration processes between the two republics. The primary reforms were reforms in the military sphere. Simon Petlyura traveled to ZUNR many times and participated in a meeting of the Golubovich government. Economic cooperation between the ZUNR and the UNR began, food began to arrive from the eastern regions to the ZUNR, and oil came from the west to the UNR. And yet, due to a number of obstacles, the actual unification did not happen. The two Ukrainian powers interacted to a greater extent in the military sphere. But the real unification of the two armies did not happen either, because each army had its own command and did not particularly want to lose the top command positions in the event of the unification of the two armies. As a result of the sluggish and uninitiated actions of the two governments, it soon became clear that the unification of the two Ukrainian republics was more declarative in nature. In addition, the inconsistent separate actions of the ZUNR leadership led to the loss of its own statehood and the transfer of the territory of western Ukraine to the control of the White Guard military leader Denikin. In addition, Petlyura conducted backstage negotiations with Poland, and this act was regarded by Western Ukrainians as a betrayal. But to be objective, it must be said that both governments did not behave in a coordinated and not worthy manner, therefore, there was no real unification of the two Ukrainian states.

January 22, 1863 battle of Tselkovo

The battle of Tselkovo, this is the first military operation of the Polish national forces that rebelled against Russian imperial oppression. The battle was attended by situational and poorly trained units of the Polish rebel army under the command of Alexander Rogalinsky. Against the Polish patriotic detachments, a regiment of the Murom military district spoke under the leadership of Colonel Kozlyaninov. The first clashes led to local victories of the Polish rebels. Soon, tsarist Russian troops approached the village of Tselkovo, in which Polish patriotic detachments became a camp. Kozlyaninov tried to pacify the rebels through negotiations, but the Poles refused to negotiate with the Russian invaders and the first to open gunfire on Russian units. Soon a melee and saber battle ensued, the Russian troops were defeated and partially dispersed, the commander Kozlyaninov was killed. The losses of the Polish side were insignificant, but the leader of the rebels was seriously injured. The Poles thought that in such a small, local battle they were able to free Poland from the invaders. However, soon regular Russian units entered Poland and brutally crushed the uprising of Polish patriots. The instigators of the uprising were executed.

January 22, 1990 Robert Morris convicted of creating malware - Worm

On January 22, 1990, the trial in the case of Robert Morris ended. The young programmer possessed high intelligence and professionalism in the field of computer programs and technologies. Thanks to his vast knowledge, he created a malicious computer program called Worm. The program was able to independently distribute on the Internet, integrate into a PC and block the normal operation of computer equipment. In 1988, the Worm, activated and launched on the Internet, blocked thousands of computers in the United States for almost two days and went through almost the whole world. The military program centers, scientific, educational and corporate structures and organizations were disabled. This incident shocked programmers around the world. Panic and hopelessness reigned among network administrators. This day was called Black Thursday. However, the situation was corrected by the scientists and programmers at the University of Berkeley, the experts were able to deactivate the malware and created the world's first antivirus program. Morris was sentenced to community service and a fine of 10 thousand dollars. In addition, he incurred all legal expenses. For three years, he was closely monitored by law enforcement agencies and software corporations. The damage caused by Morris malware was estimated at approximately 60 thousand dollars.

Born on January 22

Valentina Talyzina (1935 ...), an outstanding Soviet and Russian actress

Valentina Illarionovna was born on January 22, 1935 in Omsk. In 1940, the family of the actress moved to live in Belarus. But soon, the war began and the family with great difficulty, managed to evacuate to Siberia. After the war, Valentina successfully graduated from the Moscow Theater Institute and was immediately assigned to the troupe of the Mossovet Theater. The first notable roles of the young actress were roles in the productions of "Uncle's Dream" and "The Kingdom of the Earth." The actress achieved great success and recognition by playing in the productions of the outstanding director, Roman Viktyuk. So in the “Royal Hunt” she played the role of Empress Catherine the Great. This is one of the most favorite roles of the actress. In many productions and musicals, the partner of Valentina Illarionovna was Leonid Markov. In the movie, the actress began acting in 1963, her first film was a picture, "A Man Who Doubts." In total, the actress starred in seventy films, she starred in the main roles and in episodic ones. Her best works are roles in films: "Zigzag of Fortune", "Afonya", "After Rain on Thursday", "Genius" and others. Valentina Talyzina voiced Fedor’s mother from the animated film "Prostokvashino", in addition, Nadia from "The Irony of Fate ..." also speaks in the voice of Talyzina. In 1985, the actress was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Leonid Yarmolnik (1954 ...), Russian actor, producer

Leonid Yarmolnik was born in January 1954, in the Primorsky Territory. As a child, he was quite an active child, was fond of music and sports. In high school, his main hobbies were literature and amateur theater. He also studied at the acting studio, which was attached to the national theater, where he played in theatrical productions and at the same time studied acting and stage style of speech. In 1972 he entered the Shchukin Theater School - course of Y. Katina-Yartsev. After graduating from the theater school, Leonid was assigned to the Taganka Theater. The main director of the theater immediately entrusted the young actor with a very important role in the play the play "Master and Margarita." On stage, Yarmolnik was lucky to play with famous actors Vysotsky, Zolotukhin, Filatov, Demidov, and others. In 1984, Yarmolnik left the theater, due to the lack of career prospects. He began to act in films as a student. In the 70-80s, Yarmolnik starred in films, but his roles are mostly episodic. The first serious success of the actor can be considered participation in the program "Around the laughter." In 1979, Yarmolnik starred in Zakharov’s film “The Same Munchausen,” both spectators and critics noticed and loved the role. Leonid Yarmolnik starred in almost eighty films. Since the beginning of the 90s he has been working mainly on television as a showman and presenter. At the moment, Yarmolnik is engaged in directing and television shows, lives and fruitfully works in Moscow.

Arkady Gaidar (1904-1941), children's writer

Gaidar was born on January 22 in the Kursk province. His father was a teacher in a gymnasium. In World War I, Arkady's father went to the front, his son also tried to escape to the war, but he was caught and returned home. However, during the Civil War, a fourteen-year-old boy, Gaidar, served in parts of the Red Army. For courage and firmness of character, at 15 he was entrusted with commanding a platoon, and at 16 he was already at the head of a company. After a glorious military path, Arkady was sent to study at the Higher Rifle School, after which he was appointed commander of the regiment. In 1924, he was discharged from the army due to shell shock. Soon he took up literary work and published his first book, "R.V.S." From the moment of writing the first book, Gaidar began to be considered a children's writer. The main principles in his novels were honesty, courage and devotion. Famous were his works, "Timur and his team" and "Chuck and Huck." Most of his books are required to be studied, as part of school education.Famous films were shot based on the plots of many of his novels. With the outbreak of war, the writer went to the front, but unfortunately soon died. He was buried in the city of Kanev. Cities, towns and streets were named after him. His great-grandson Yegor Gaidar became the youngest chairman of the Russian government.

Sergey Eisenstein (1898-1948), the great Soviet film director

An outstanding director was born in January 22nd in 1898, in Riga (Russian Empire), in an educated and intelligent family. Sergey received an excellent education, he knew several foreign languages, was well versed in Russian and world literature, he loved theater and visual arts. In 1915 he entered the Petrograd Engineering Institute. The Bolshevik revolution sincerely accepted and even joined the people's police squads. In 1918 he left the III year of the institute and went to serve in the valiant Red Army. It is known that in 1920 he was sent to study at the General Staff Academy, where he studied oriental languages. Having left his military career, Sergey began to work in the theater of Political Culture and openly dreamed of creating a new revolutionary direction in art. Eisenstein very soon became creatively close with Mayakovsky and Meyerhold, they introduced him to the cinema, which allowed him to create his first professional film, “The Strike”. In 1925, Eisenstein shoots a grandiose picture, "Battleship Potemkin", the film triumphantly passed around the world. The world cinema community, the picture was recognized as the greatest classic of world cinema. In 1937, Sergei Eisenstein staged grandiose paintings, “Alexander Nevsky” and “Ivan the Terrible,” for which he was awarded the Stalin Prize. In 1947, the great director met with Stalin, two geniuses found many common themes for a fascinating conversation.

Leo Landau (1908-1968), outstanding physicist, academician, Nobel laureate

Lev Davidovich is a legendary world-class scientist, his talent, versatility of interests and powerful intellect were admired by contemporaries. He was awarded a large number of awards, including from foreign powers. Landau was awarded the Stalin Prize three times, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and he was also awarded the Order of Lenin. He was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and several other academies of sciences of foreign countries. Landau was born in Baku, on January 22, 1908, in Azerbaijan, in an intelligent and educated family. He finished school before his peers, at the age of 14, and immediately went to study at Baku University, where he studied simultaneously at 2 faculties, physical and chemical. After university, Leo began to study in graduate school, then studying in Germany and England. Since 1937, he constantly worked at the Institute of Physics, at the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the field of physics, Landau worked in several directions at once. He studied the nature of stellar energy, sound dispersion, superconductivity and magnetic properties of materials, and properties of helium. The scientist wrote a course in theoretical physics. In 1938, the scientist was arrested for allegedly distributed anti-Stalin leaflets. Landau spent a year in prison for a false accusation, but was released on bail at the request of the scientific community of the USSR. After prison, the scientist began to actively engage in scientific activities. Many eminent scientists dreamed of becoming his students, but this was not easy to do. To become a student of Landau, it was necessary to hand over to him personally, nine subjects of a physical and mathematical direction. The contribution that the scientist made to the development of physics can hardly be overestimated; with his research, the scientist has stepped far forward in the field of physics.

Name Day January 22

Antonina, Zakhar, Elena, Peter


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).