Paid Pregnancy Management Mostly Ends with Caesarean Section


As Irish scientists have found, pregnant women who receive paid medical care are twice as likely to give birth via Caesarean section as their "counterparts", who are discussing for free. And, as it turned out, this does not always happen for medical reasons. The reason for this discrepancy is quite prosaic: paid labor most often can afford middle-aged women who have had poor pregnancy experiences or who have suffered from infertility for a long time.

The study analyzed data from more than 30 thousand women who gave birth in the largest medical centers in Ireland from 2008 to 2011. More than 5.5 thousand of them gave birth for money. A study of the biography of these women showed that most of them are middle-aged, well-educated and of Irish descent, unlike those who gave birth for free. In addition, they were not married or their pregnancy was accidental.

According to doctors, such a mismatch in the method of delivery is primarily due to social differences. Experts believe that the Irish health system must take into account the validity of Caesarean section. First of all, according to experts, you need to think about the health of the mother and her child.


Watch the video: Normal Delivery Planning After C Section Cesarean Delivery in Hindi (July 2024).