Female opinion: even a woman’s beloved may have secrets


There are many opinions on how to build a good, truly strong relationship. And, accordingly, there are many tips that say what can be done and what should be avoided so as not to harm the situation. One of the frequently discussed issues regarding this topic is frankness with his chosen one.

Some believe that only the absolute frankness of partners is a condition for a strong marriage. However, most psychologists do not agree with this and believe that the initiation of the chosen one into all their secrets is a very reckless step, which may even cause their destruction. So what is actually right? Should a woman be frank with her man, and if so, how much?

Information portal “Women's Opinion” decided to ask their readers for an opinion on this matter and asked them one question: “Should a woman have secrets from her beloved?”

To this question, 21.2% of the respondents said that a woman should not have any secrets from her beloved. However, 78.7% of respondents believe that even from a loved one, a woman can have secrets. Of course, both participants expressed their opinion on the basis of their life experience and examples.

One respondent stated that “anyone has the right to their secrets.” She was supported by another participant in the survey, saying that she considers the woman's secrets “not only right, but normal.”

What a woman definitely should not tell her man: about some diseases (in particular, sexually transmitted diseases), the number of abortions, the habit of checking the pockets of a man and studying the contents of his phone, the cost of some things, flirting with other men, etc. - some say survey participants.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? Talking about her secrets and trying to share with her beloved all the sorrows and joys, a woman should learn not to negotiate a bit in order to maintain her own calm or even relationship.

The survey involved 3960 women aged 20-38 years living in 195 cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.


Watch the video: The Women of Hamilton (July 2024).