Lunar haircut calendar for April 2013


April 2013 is predicted by astrologers as a month of contrasts in the ambiguous year of the dark Snake. Difficult work will be replaced by fun and entertainment. Although a busy period is expected in public life, there are great opportunities for building relationships, understanding their actions and deeds. This period will make more persistent those who can withstand the main credo of April - endurance and self-control. The first warmth forces women to take off their hats, and beauty and hairstyle issues go to one of the dominant places. A lunar horoscope will help you choose the right time to go to the hairdresser in accordance with your goals.

If you look at the lunar cycle of this month, you will notice that at the beginning of the month the moon will be waning, which means that you should not rush into cardinal changes in appearance. At least until April 11 - until the moon enters the constellation Taurus. The full moon falls on April 25th. Be sure to note the day of the new moon - in April this is the 10th. These days you should refrain from any action with hair. We also take note of the days when the moon passes under the most favorable signs of the Virgin and Taurus - except April 11, 12, this is April 21, 22. Since April 3, the moon has been growing actively - this is the last 4 quarter. And after the full moon since April 26, it is also actively decreasing.

Haircuts lunar calendar for April 2013 - hair coloring

An excellent effect of hair coloring can be obtained in the first decade of the month. Until the 9th, even with a waning moon, the paint will hold perfectly, thanks to the passage of the moon through the signs of Aquarius, Pisces and Capricorn. Coloring and highlighting will be an excellent solution at this time - the hair does not grow back for a long time and the paint keeps perfectly on the strands. Their growth is now slowed down, and you can do without another tinting of roots longer. You can dye your hair after curling after three to four days, excluding the days of the full moon and new moon.

Haircuts lunar calendar for April 2013 - hair waving

Perfectly at this time the waving will also hold. A waning moon will allow chemicals to act on the hair in a more gentle way. Since perming hair lasts from 3 to 6 months, it is worth choosing the time in accordance with the lunar cycle. If you like magnificent wavy, and nature has endowed you with absolutely straight hair - do not worry! In April, at least for a while, but you can make a correction in the hairstyle. Moreover, the summer is ahead. So, stock up with softening gels and moisturizers - and go to the salon! Favorable days for curling - 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and from April 18 to 23.

April 2013 haircut lunar calendar - favorable haircut days

In early April, the waning moon will go through the constellations of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius. For hair growth, this is not a very favorable time, but it is perfectly possible to carry out procedures to strengthen hair roots and treatment. Of course, you can also get a haircut these days, but do not rush into cardinal transformations. Wait for the most favorable days after the new moon. You can safely go to the stylists: April 12, 13, 21, 22 are the days when the influence of the constellations Virgo and Taurus is felt. From the 18th to the 24th you can go to the hairdresser at least daily - a haircut will be in perfect harmony with your image, any discomfort is practically eliminated. It’s great if you have enough parties and holidays at this time - you can quite demonstrate your various images and be at the very height of “courage”. The end of the month belongs to Sagittarius and Capricorn - in combination with a waning moon, you can expect some decline in vitality, hairstyles will grow for a long time. And if your hair is weak and requires help, you will have to pay a lot of attention and care daily. Determine your hair type and make a mask of folk remedies. Experts say that after washing the hair you should not keep a towel on your head for a long time - it is better to dry your hair naturally. To treat hair, masks are done twice a week. With healthy hair, it is enough to nourish it once a month. A good folk remedy for hair growth is a nettle broth. Rinse them after washing, and they will grow faster, moreover, they will become vibrant and shiny.

April 2013 lunar haircut calendar - adverse haircut days

Let us note once again those days in which astrologers simply categorically forbid getting a haircut - these are the days of a new moon and a full moon. These are 10 and 25 numbers. Beware of going to the hairdresser on April 4 and 5, in extreme cases, limit yourself to a simple correction without major changes. Remember that the year of the black snake gives good luck to those who have endurance and patience. So take your time and the moon will tell you the right decision. By the way, unfavorable days for hair growth and cutting can be completely used for good purposes. We are talking about hair depilation procedures.

Haircuts lunar calendar for April 2013 - conclusion

From the very beginning of the month until mid-April, the moon wanes and then begins to grow. Many of us have already seen that the growing moon is quite suitable for change and responsible actions, not only in the hairdressing salon, but also in life. If you have come to the conclusion that you just need a change - start acting just now, on the growing moon. You will be able to create, build, receive and accumulate energy, accumulate strength and save what you can save.

By the way, on the growing moon you can get acquainted with a narrowed mummers. People make contact more and seem to each other more attractive. Men pay more attention to women, and girls respond to them the same. Open a business or reorganize an old one, establish new connections and sign contracts, and, of course, change your image - be beautiful and well-groomed. Horoscope hairstyles helps us use the forces of nature for our own purposes. And if you need to break something or reorganize - a waning moon will help you do it in full force. Remember that the moon changes all the time, following its unspoken rules. Follow her and succeed!


Watch the video: The Lunar Hair Chart for Hair Cutting Explained. Morrocco Method (July 2024).