38 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 38 weeks gestation.


You're tired. Both physically and mentally. A huge belly restricts your movements, sometimes you can not do without outside help. But keep on holding on like a steady tin soldier.

Changes in the body at 38 weeks of gestation

Your body continues to actively rebuild. The height of the uterus has reached its zenith, and its neck is softened and is preparing for childbirth. A harbinger of which may be the passage of the mucous plug. Therefore, watch your discharge. If you notice lumps of mucus, possibly with red streaks, or just wet spots more often than a pinkish color, be prepared for the fact that childbirth can begin at any time.

Amniotic fluid may begin to leak. This is also a sign of an approaching birth. Do not expect them to pour in liters. Firstly, there are not very many left there (only about 1 liter), and secondly, the baby’s head is pressed against the cervix, i.e. closes the outlet through which they can flow. If you notice that the water is leaking too often, you should contact your doctor and consult.

You can not worry about the size of your tummy, it will not grow anymore. If he has not yet gone down, most likely this will happen this week. It will be much easier to breathe. Your chest has become very large, colostrum (yellow fluid) begins to leak from the nipples. To prevent laundry from getting dirty, you can put special pads in the bra.

From the 38th week you can notice a decrease in your weight. This should not alarm you. In the body, regular hormonal changes occur. If during pregnancy the hormone progesterone was dominant (which contributes to the retention of fluid in the body), then when the term of labor approaches, it gives way to estrogen. Excess fluid gradually begins to be excreted from the body.

Small swelling of the arms and legs is considered normal in the later stages. But if you noticed that the swelling became more noticeable, for example, the rings began to cut into the fingers or the weight increased, it is worth notifying the doctor.

The condition of the fetus at 38 weeks of gestation

The nails of the crumbs have completely closed the nail bed, and continue to grow further. So after birth he will meet his mother with a decent manicure, which can then be carefully trimmed.

The genitals are completely formed by the 38th week: in the boys the testicles descended into the scrotum, in the girls the large labia closed. The bones of the skull have strengthened, but retain mobility among themselves, which will facilitate the passage of the birth canal to the baby’s head. This is a fully-formed full-term infant with a height of about 49-51 cm and a body weight of 2900-3100 g.

From 38 weeks, the processes of aging of the placenta start, its thickness gradually decreases and the former plethora is lost. This leads to a decrease in the intake of nutrients from the mother’s blood. They are now enough mainly to support the life of the child. From this moment, the growth and weight gain of the baby slows down.

There is not enough space for everyone in my mother’s stomach, so the amount of amniotic fluid at 38 weeks is steadily decreasing. But do not worry about this. It will be enough for the grown up baby to be reliably protected and to remain safe.

By this period, the child calms down, its active activity decreases. He becomes uncomfortable pushing and moving. His head, together with the uterus, sank into the pelvic area, he was in a cramped space. Do not be afraid of this lull, the child builds up strength, so that at the beginning of labor, you can go on a trip.

And it is still unknown who will feel better during childbirth - you or the baby. As soon as the natural clock gives the go-ahead and starts the birth process, the baby will begin its journey. Sandwiched from all sides, he will experience tremendous stress. The uterus muscles, contracting, will push the baby along a rather narrow birth canal. If he knew what awaited him, then he would sit in his house for a very long time. And he would rest with arms and legs so as not to accidentally slip out.

Possible sensations at 38 weeks of gestation

You are already tired of waiting and are constantly listening to your feelings. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen before childbirth can intensify, the uterus increasingly makes automatic contractions - training contractions. You can feel them well, sometimes they make you uncomfortable. Try to lie down, or take another comfortable position in which the pain subsides. If you notice that contractions are regularly repeated, and the pain does not subside from a change of position, most likely, real labor pains begin. It's time to get together at the hospital.

You still worry about pain in the lower back, lower back, and pelvic area. You have already become so close to them that you do not believe that there is such a state when nothing hurts anywhere. Your endurance test will end soon, be patient just a little bit.

Even if you do not notice any special changes in your internal state and do not feel the precursors of childbirth, you should not panic and ring emergency services. The threshold of sensitivity in people is different. Do not worry, you will not miss the moment of birth. Indescribable sensations from real fights are simply impossible to miss.

Necessary medical supervision

Every week before the birth, the doctor will listen to the baby’s heart, measure your pressure, prescribe a general urine test. If the indicators are normal, do not worry. And if protein is found in the urine, blood pressure is increased, and even swelling has increased, this state of affairs indicates a complication of pregnancy. In this case, the doctor prescribes hospitalization.

General recommendations

Before the birth, there is very little time left, therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that they can begin at any time. Therefore, just in case, carry an exchange card with you. Check again that the results of all previously tested tests were noted there, especially HIV, staphylococcus, syphilis, a note on fluorography was made. Otherwise, you will find a not very warm welcome in the hospital. And they can send you to a specialized institution where pregnant women are located without a specific place of residence, nonresident without registration, without analysis.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Spark 04/06/2016
How accurately it is written that by this time there is a terrible general fatigue. Everything hurts. All the bottom, all the top ... No, I'm fastening. And more analyzes - tortured directly! In all my life I haven’t handed them so much) And at the expense of the hospital - I have all the buzz! Have a nice birth!))


Watch the video: Signs a pregnant woman is in labor (July 2024).