December 11: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 11

International Mountain Day

The development of mountain regions is very important, therefore the UN General Assembly in 2003 established a special day on which educational events are held with propaganda of the development of mountain regions. Symposiums and fairs, thematic classes and seminars are held during the week dedicated to this topic. Almost a quarter of land is mountains. In mountainous areas live 10% of the world's population. In these places there are many reserves of plants and animals, sources of clean drinking water. This is the Caucasus, the mountain Urals, the Himalayas in Asia, the European Alps and many others. The highest mountain is in the Alps, it is the border mountain of France and Italy - Mont Blanc. To connect the resort centers of Italy and France, a tunnel operates under Mont Blanc. The calling card of Japan is Fuji, in the Crimea the most famous is Bear Mountain.

International tango day

The organizers of the holiday timed it to the birthday of Carlos Gardel, who is called the famous king of tango. Dance has its own philosophy, which is the confrontation of man and woman. Passions and conflicts, love, quarrels, reconciliation, jealousy, hatred - tango reflects all spheres of human relations. In dance it is possible to show everything in the language of movements. There are no smiles and words, a sense of reality is created by movements and pause. Mute dialogue is conducted to the music, which causes it to freeze in an embrace, or to reach a point of higher tension by a sharp turn or tilt. The very designation "Tango" appeared long before the birth of the dance - in the Canary Islands, the indigenous people arranged their gatherings with drumming, which were called "tango".

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Seraphim

A descendant of a famous noble family from a military family after the events in the Balkans in 1876-77 turns to God and becomes a disciple of the righteous John of Kronstadsky, his spiritual child. Later he takes monastic tonsure and becomes the rector of the Suzdal monastery, becomes the archbishop in several monasteries. Throughout his life, Seraphim was engaged in creativity - he painted icons, composed the "Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery." During the years of Soviet power, he was first exiled to the Arkhangelsk region and then shot.

Folk calendar December 11

(November 28, Old Style) - Soikin Day

A small bird with bright plumage from the time of Ancient Rus was a popular favorite. Bright plumage and a wide crest on the head, a long tail - this little bird imitates the singing of birds and reproduces other sounds, for example, the knock of an ax of foresters, human voices. In ancient times, her name was "soy", that is, "radiant", as her bright plumage caused joyful smiles. Therefore, her appearance at the window on this day is considered a good sign. It is believed that the jay is able to show the way to happiness, so you should leave the house and go after it.
The little thing has mirrored wings that reflect the future. On this day, many sought to know their future. You can see it not only on the wings of a jay, but also in the reflection of a deep well. Sounds from the well predicted profits; silence indicated that there was still a wait. On soikin day you can guess on coins. If you throw a handful of coins in the nearest snowdrift and try to get them, you can predict luck. It is likely if the largest of the coins is caught.

Memorable historical events of December 11

December 11, 1699 - The establishment of the St. Andrew's flag in the Russian fleet.

Peter 1 chose this flag by the name of the Apostle Andrew, to perpetuate his name. On the white panel is located in the center of the blue cross, similar to the one on which the Apostle Andrew died. The flag was used as the main one on ships before the 1917 revolution, then it was replaced by the red banner of the International. 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, the flag again became Andreevsky. On the white square you can again see the diagonal blue cross.

December 11, 1871 - The first exhibition of the Wanderers took place in St. Petersburg

Painters and sculptors of a realistic direction first showed their work to the general public at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. The "Partnership of Traveling Art Exhibitions" existed by that time for many years. At the first exhibition, visitors saw paintings that are widely known to this day: “Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei” (Nikolai Ge), “Hunters on a halt” (Vasily Perov), “Rooks flew in” (Alexei Savrasov). Later, the exposition was a huge success in Kharkov and Kiev. The paintings were seen by about 30 thousand people. Some of them were sold. The last exhibition of the Wanderers took place in 1928 in Moscow.

December 11, 1972 - the last landing of people on the moon in the 20th century

The Apollo program included 6 attempts to land a man on the moon. All of them were successful, a record number of samples of lunar rock were collected. A lunar rover with a crew traveled 34 km along the lunar surface and discovered many rocks, including orange dirt (similar to orange glass balls). Stations with sophisticated equipment, calls for other creatures and autographs of astronauts and the US president were left on the lunar surface.

December 11, 2008 - opening of the official website of Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The widow of the writer and prominent public figure Natalya Solzhenitsyna opened the official website, which posted more than 30 volumes of works by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. The writer left a huge mark in world history. The site also presents texts that were not published during his lifetime, and those that are printed in many languages ​​of the world. All texts are located in PDF format, most fully preserving the book pages in the location of the computer, avoiding losses and inaccuracies. Also presented are personal documents of the writer, sound recordings of author reading, photo archives, thematic documentaries.

December 11, 1802 - organization of the first fire brigade in St. Petersburg

The first team of firefighters, by decree of Emperor Alexander 1, included 786 internal guard soldiers. The population has ceased to participate in the mandatory protection of the city, the inclusion of street lighting, night watch. All these functions were undertaken by the state. The fire brigade in its structure had 11 parts, later another one was added to it. The staff of the team, in addition to firewalls and 528 firemen, included a chimney sweep, 24 chimney sweeps and 137 coachmen. Two years later, a similar team is being created in Moscow. In other cities, the population itself was fighting fires. Each city square had a wooden shed with fire equipment, tools and a bell for signaling.

Born on December 11

Carlo Ponti (1912-2007 years), the legendary Italian film producer

It was Carlo Ponti who opened the world of the most beautiful actresses to Gene Lollobrigida and Alida Valley. For almost half a century Ponty himself was the husband of Sophia Loren, their marriage was very successful and lasted until the death of the producer. During his creative life, he shot 140 paintings. In Italy, he enjoyed great authority, but his wife Sophia Loren, who starred in many of his films, brought special fame. Their children also chose creative professions and became famous.

Maurice LeBlanc (1864 - 1941), English writer

The beginning of the writer's work is formed under the influence of Flaubert and Maupassant. Critics have already approved his first works, Alfons Daudet and Jules Renard pay attention to him. However, genuine fame and commercial success come to him after writing detective novels. A series of works about Arsene Lupine includes about 20 works. In addition, he wrote in the genre of science fiction.

Mikhail Svetin Semenovich (1930) - Soviet Russian artist

The Kievite Misha Goltsman was very fond of films with Charlie Chaplin, imitated him and made others laugh. For his clown character, he was even expelled from school in high school. However, speech defects and short stature became an obstacle to admission to acting departments. At first, he worked in auxiliary compositions at the Arkady Raikin Theater in Moscow and theaters of other cities. His popularity came after the film "Wizards" in 1980. Several cinematographic works are widely known to the public, this is the Golden Calf, Beloved Woman Mechanic Gavrilova, and It Cannot Be! and etc.

Max Bourne (1882 - 1970), great physicist of the 20th century

Among his first discoveries was the calculation of the mass of an electron using a simplified system. Being on friendly terms with Einstein, Max Bohr worked as the director of the university and lectured at Cambridge, the Indian Physical Institute, and served as professor of natural philosophy. He wrote a textbook on optics, and in 1954 received the Nobel Prize in physics, for his research in quantum mechanics. Max Bohr was among the first 16 Nobel laureates to pee in denouncing the development of nuclear weapons. Today, this declaration was signed by 51 Nobel Prize winners.

Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856 - 1918), Russian politician, founder of the Emancipation of Labor group

Georgy Plekhanov was an ardent opponent of terrorist organizations and a one-party system. He stood at the origins of the RSDLP and the founding of the Iskra newspaper, but was against many Leninist theories. “April Theses,” for example, he openly called complete nonsense. Plekhanov did not accept the October Revolution, believing that Russia was not yet ready for such important transformations.

Andrey Makarevich (1953), musician, songwriter, performer, television personality

Brought up on the work of Okudzhava and the Beatles, Andrei Makarevich in 1969 composed songs for his group "Time Machine". Through all his work pass not only music, but also painting, architecture. The beginning of perestroika allowed the Time Machine musicians to tour abroad. He also becomes the host of the Smack program and collects the new Creole Tango Orchestra.

Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), French composer

As a student of the famous composer Lesueur, he began his musical victories at a fairly young age. The First and Second Roman Prizes to young composers became the first international recognition of his talent. His work was influenced by Beethoven, Weber, Gluck, as well as Shakespeare and Goethe. He wrote many reviews of musical works (there are 10 volumes in total), toured Europe with his concerts.

Robert Koch (1843 - 1910) - epidemiologist and microbiologist

The first result of his scientific work was the study of anthrax during a county epidemic in which he worked as a doctor. Koch found that the cause of the disease is a bacterium. In 1887, he published articles with research data confirming the bacterial nature of the disease.
Then he discovers the causative agent of tuberculosis - a bacterium in the form of a stick, and the causative agent of cholera. Since then, the direction of health care is determined by the discoveries of Koch. In 1905, Robert Koch was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Jean Marais (1913 - 1998), the famous French actor

A favorite of women from all over the world and all generations, Jean Marais starred in many films, and invariably brought success and recognition to the paintings. First of all, he owes his popularity to the director and friend J. Cocteau, who turned a plastic but unknown actor into an idol throughout France. The image of the ideal man, the conqueror of the hearts of the beautiful half of mankind, worked out especially well for him, as well as the “knight of the cloak and sword” in adventure films.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Ozerov (1922-1997), famous football commentator in the USSR

Nikolai Ozerov was an athlete and a creative person, his whole life and work are connected with these two areas. He became an Honored Master of Sports in tennis during the war years, at a fairly young age. At that time he worked in the theater and played his first roles. In addition, Ozerov managed to play for the Spartak football team. Remaining an athlete, he began to comment on the matches; at the end of 1980 he was elected chairman of the Spartak sports community.

Name Day December 11th:

On this day name day holders of the following names celebrate:

George, Daniel, Ivan, Konstantin, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timothy, Fedor.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).