Plot from bad neighbors


Endless noisy repairs ... Constant howling and meowing from three dozen cats living in the apartment next door ... Intolerable smell from a debris warehouse growing daily at the door opposite ... How to cope with yourself, if the nearest neighbors turn your life into torment, and turn to there is no valid reason? Let's learn to ask for help from the magical powers with the help of conspiracies from neighbors.

How to read a conspiracy from bad neighbors to move out?

Noise, fights, constant scandals, reaching to the assault. Rudeness or tense silence in response to a simple greeting. Nobody wants to feel in their own home as in a defense fortress, but it often happens that going outside the apartment becomes a real challenge. And the matter is that the hostility of neighbors. Differences in mentality or simply the incompatibility of characters can bring a trivial hostility to real enmity. In this case, the natural desire is to get rid of the source of irritation forever.

It is best for the neighbors to change their place of residence or, at least, to pacify their violent nature. You can achieve the desired result with the help of conspiracies. There are several of them, and each spell carries a specific task. We list the most effective:

  • Conspiracy to reconcile;
  • Ritual with feather and candle;
  • Plot on potion;
  • A conspiracy to help the brownie.

Remember when you read the plot: protection from evil neighbors is not only magic, but also your own desire to change the situation for the better.

Conciliatory plot

If the situation has not yet reached the boiling point and communication with neighbors takes place in a civilized manner, the reconciliation spell will be the best choice. Its text is simple enough, it should be spoken three times a day: at dawn hours, at noon and in the evening, when the sun sets. The spell will work faster if you read it in the phase of the decreasing lunar cycle. It sounds like a conspiracy:

"Noise and noise, swallow the dark king of the marsh, the serpent of the subcultured onto the water. They are expanses there, and we have rest. Amen!"

After uttering conspiracy words, cross yourself three times. If there is no change in the near future, try stronger rituals.

The plot on the pen and candle

The reading of this spell requires the preparation and conduct of the ritual. Without additional items can not do. Take the following ingredients:

  • Wax church candle;
  • Small spoon;
  • Cup or glass;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Chicken feather.

Having prepared a magical arsenal, find a quiet, secluded place where other people do not go. Silence and solitude are your best associates in this process. Dig a small hole and fix a candle in it. Put a glass next to it, pour oil into it and add salt. Hold the pen in the palm of your hand, say the plot:

"Help me, God, do not leave in time of need. Let the neighbors leave their evil abode, and let the chickens send their new ways to the nest. Let peace and grace reign in my dwelling, servants of God (your name)."

At the end of the ritual, dip the feather in the oil, turn in the direction of your house and draw on the ground a line of conditional section between your and the neighboring apartment.

Conspiracy with a Potion

The magic potion, which is an antidote to restless neighbors, does not need to be mixed in, and this is a huge plus of this ritual. To prepare the composition will need:

  • Large glass bottle;
  • Spoon of salt (table);
  • Heads of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Dill seeds;
  • Vodka.

All listed vegetable ingredients are taken in the amount of three pieces (three seeds, three leaves, etc.). Parts of the potion are placed in the bottle in the order given in the list. Lowering each component, say: "Become one and protect me, my home and everything that is in it."

After reading the words, shake the container and say the plot:

"To the glory of all the intercession forces, cool down the neighbors' fervor so that neither thunder nor rain interfere, I am light, I bring peace to my house. So be it!"

Put the bottle in inconspicuous angle, hidden from prying eyes. Now, passing by the neighbors' housing, look at their door, try not to blink and say the following about yourself:

"Crush the anger, defeat the hatred. Off the noise! ​​Off the din! The word is said, the deed is done, so be it!"

Plot from violent neighbors on the brownie

The keeper of the home and the family hearth will be the best tool in your fight against the unfriendly tenants opposite. Who else but a house spirit should protect peace and well-being in the house? To ask for supernatural power for help you need a special conspiracy. The trick is to read it 30 to 50 minutes before the usual conflict or drunken spree begins in the apartment next to you, which prevents you from living. But if you suffer for a long time and have already studied the habits of your neighbors, this will not be a problem. The spell is pronounced four dozen times or written on paper, which is folded four times and placed under the neighbor's threshold. The text of the plot is:

"Neighboring atamanushka, do not smoke! Go and smoke above the forests, above the seas, above the dark mud, over the swamps, over the nuts. As aspen and willow do not grow without a foundation, so neither gomons nor fright will not grow in the house (the name of a neighbor) , neither darkness nor any kind of din, but only silence and calmness forever and ever will come as the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Amen! "

As mentioned, plot from noisy neighbors 40 times to read required Some magicians advise to contact the house, asking him to come into contact with the "colleague" from the next apartment. However, this is a risky undertaking, since the potential conflict between two otherworldly forces will not bring anything good.

What could be the consequences?

Different spells have a different magnitude of force. Use any conspiracy should be very careful, knowing that the consequences lie entirely on your conscience. Protect yourself, try not to harm others, even if they do not want to make concessions.. Conducting a magical ritual should resolve the situation, and not bring it to a state, the output of which is impossible.

Read such plots so that annoying neighbors move out faster. You shouldn’t ask the higher powers to cause evil to them - the negative energy has a toxic property to extend not only to the object of the conspiracy, but also to the one who said it.


Watch the video: Game Theory: Hello Neighbor's SATANIC Plot! (May 2024).