Fried watermelon - a riot of taste! Grilled fried watermelon recipes in batter, with caramel, cheese and ham


Fried watermelon may seem like a strange dish, but not for the person who tried it.

Melon berry lends itself perfectly to heat treatment.

She will certainly please with taste and aroma.

What is the best way to fry a watermelon?

Fried Watermelon - General Cooking Principles

For frying, you need to choose a watermelon with a dense, not falling apart pulp. You can take a slightly unripe berry, which can be easily cut into pieces of the desired shape and size. The seeds from the watermelon are always removed. To fry in a pan, cut off the crust. If the dish is grilled, the crust is sometimes left.

If you need to fry the berry in a frying pan, then always use breading or dip the slices in batter. It is impossible to prepare a juicy product without a protective coating.

What can I pan into pieces:

• flour;

• starch;

• crackers.

For coating strength, eggs or just protein are often used. Grilled watermelon does not require any coating. For a beautiful crust and a bright taste, you can grease the pieces with olive oil, season with spices, lemon juice.

Watermelon is fried not only for desserts, but also for full-fledged dishes with meat, cheese, ham. Delicious salads and national Chinese dishes are prepared with fried slices.

Fried watermelon in squirrels

A recipe for a wonderful dessert that can be served with tea or a cup of coffee. Bread for fried watermelon based on starch, flour and protein.


• 0.5 kg of watermelon;

• 2 proteins;

• 4 tbsp. l flour;

• 4 tbsp. l starch;

• 3 tablespoons of powder;

• a pinch of vanilla.


1. Watermelon must be freed from peels and seeds, cut the flesh into neat rectangles or triangles. Pieces are better not to make large, the thickness is up to one centimeter.

2. Place the egg whites in a bowl, beat with a fork until light foam with the addition of four tablespoons of water, add starch. It should make a light dough.

3. Pour flour into another bowl. Put everything at hand.

4. Heat refined vegetable or butter in a pan.

5. Roll the slices of watermelon in flour, then dip in protein dough with starch, fry on both sides until the crust is rosy.

6. Transfer the fried slices to a plate.

7. Mix powdered sugar with a pinch of vanilla. Sprinkle cooled watermelons and serve.

Fried watermelon in breadcrumbs

For the preparation of this dish, crackers are better to use homemade white bread. Bread needs to be dried, chopped. For deep fat, take odorless vegetable oil, you can add a spoonful of ghee to it.


• 0.6 kg of pulp of watermelon;

• 1 cup crackers;

• 2 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• deep fat.


1. Beat the eggs until light foam, you need to break all the clots of proteins.

2. Cut the elastic flesh of the watermelon into arbitrary pieces.

3. Dip the slices in flour, then in the egg, then roll in breadcrumbs.

4. Fry the planned slices in hot deep fat immediately, until the watermelon has started juice.

5. Place the browned slices of watermelon on paper napkins to get rid of excess fat.

6. Serve the dish with yogurt, sour cream, you can sprinkle with cinnamon.

Fried watermelon in milk batter

A variant of delicious fried watermelon that resembles mini pies. If there is no whole milk, then for the test you can use diluted dry concentrate.


• 2 eggs;

• 200 ml of milk;

• a glass of flour in batter + for breading;

• a pinch of salt;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• watermelon;

• powder for decoration;

• oil for frying berries.


1. For batter, you need to break the eggs into a bowl, add milk, salt and sugar to them and beat well with a whisk. It remains to add a full glass with a slide of flour. The batter should turn out by consistency, like a thick jelly. Set it aside for a while.

2. Cut the watermelon into slices, remove the seeds and skins. The size of the pieces is any, but it is better not to make it very large.

3. Pour a few tablespoons of flour into a bowl.

4. Heat oil in a frying pan or other convenient bowl. Pour such a layer so that it is almost equal to the thickness of the pieces.

5. Now quickly roll the slices of watermelon in flour, then dip in batter, spread in hot oil.

6. Once the slices are browned on one side, turn them over to the other.

7. It is better to take pieces from deep fat on paper.

8. As soon as the napkins absorb the excess oil from the watermelon, the dish can be transferred to the finishing plate and decorated as you wish.

Ham and cheese fried watermelon

An amazing summer fried watermelon appetizer with ham and cheese. Grilled berry is being prepared. For dressing, you need balsamic vinegar, basil greens are well combined with this dish.


• 300 g of ham;

• small watermelon;

• 300 g of cheese, blue dor blue is best;

• pepper;

• olive oil;

• salt and balsamic vinegar;

• green basil or any other.


1. The grill must be turned on 250-300 degrees. You need to fry the watermelon at high temperature, as the berry is quite juicy.

2. Wash the berry, wipe, cut across into circles. Thickness is about two centimeters. Then each circle needs to be cut crosswise to make triangles. If the watermelon is large, you can cut into more sectors.

3. Now from each piece you need to remove the crust, take out all the seeds.

4. Mix a few tablespoons of olive oil with pepper and salt.

5. Using a brush, coat the berry slices with seasoned oil mixture.

6. Place the grill on the wire rack. Fry for a minute on each side.

7. Cheese and sausage cut into thin slices.

8. First place the ham and then the cheese into hot slices of watermelon.

9. Generously sprinkle the dish with balsamic vinegar, garnish with basil leaves and serve immediately.

Chinese fried caramel watermelon

Another recipe for a wonderful dessert, for which you can use even immature, sluggish, unsweetened watermelon. Sweet caramel will reliably mask all its flaws, turn it into a wonderful dish.


• 0.3 kg of watermelon pulp;

• a glass of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of starch;

• 150 g flour;

• a pinch of salt;

• 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

• butter;

• water.


1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar and, while stirring continuously, pour 70 ml of water. If the batter is thick, you can add a little more water, but do not overdo it, pour in a small spoon.

2. The pulp of a watermelon without peels and pits should be cut into cubes up to two centimeters, roll in starch. You can use a potato or corn product.

3. Heat the oil, one centimeter layer is enough.

4. Sequenced cubes of watermelon in starch, alternately spread in hot fat, fry on all sides.

5. Cook the caramel. To do this, mix the recipe sugar with lemon juice and 70 ml of water. Heat slowly to dissolve all sugar until it boils. Boil for 5 minutes.

6. Dip the fried watermelon in caramel, transfer the pieces to a dish in the form of a pyramid.

7. You can lay out immediately in portions, forming small slides.

8. Pour the remains of caramel on top of the pyramids. You can sprinkle dessert with nuts, seeds, and decorate with chocolate chips.

Grilled watermelon

Unusual, but very tasty and juicy picnic idea. Due to the sugars contained in the watermelon, the flesh itself is caramelized and turns out to be very tasty. Serve fried berries with nuts, meat, onions, all kinds of sweet, salted or spicy sauces.


• watermelon, preferably small, about 1 kg;

• olive oil 20 ml;

• 1.5 tablespoons of honey;

• juice of 0.5 lime or lemon.


1. Wash a thick and small watermelon, cut into triangles. Thickness is about 1.5 centimeters. You don’t need to cut the crust. Set the berry aside.

2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, lemon juice (ideally used lime) must be ground with liquid honey until smooth. Add olive oil to the marinade, stir.

3. Now alternately pick up one slice of watermelon, grease well with marinade (this is convenient to do with a silicone brush), lay on the grill with the oiled side down.

4. After five minutes, grease the top side with the marinade, turn the pieces over. If the grill is weak, leave the slices on the first side for 10 minutes.

5. Serve the watermelon immediately while it is hot. But cold, the fried berry is also delicious.

Fried watermelon and feta cheese appetizer

A spectacular appetizer of grilled watermelon.


• 5 slices of watermelon, the size of a deck of cards;

• mint leaves (handful);

• 2 tablespoons of lime juice;

• 4 tablespoons of olive oil;

• 2 bunches of greens (arugula, lettuce, watercress);

• 5 slices of feta cheese;

• 1 spoon of pumpkin seeds;

• salt, pepper to taste.


1. Blot the pieces of watermelon with paper towels, brush with a spoonful of olive oil. Salt to taste, pepper.

2. Put the workpieces on the grill, fry on both sides.

3. Pour the washed and dried greens with your hands.

4. Mix the remaining oil with lime juice, add spices. Pour half the sauce to the herbs, stir and transfer to a large plate.

5. Top with slices of fried watermelon, slices of feta on them.

6. Pour the cheese with the rest of the sauce. Garnish with mint leaves. Serve the appetizer right away until the lettuce leaves have wilted and look fresh.

Fried Watermelon - Useful Tips and Tricks

• So that the slices of watermelon fried in oil do not turn out to be greasy, they are immediately laid out from the pan on dry paper napkins, they can also cover the dish from above.

• The batter for the watermelon will turn out gentle and porous if you add a little baking powder to the dish.

• For breading and batter, you can use not only wheat flour, but also corn. Watermelon slices will turn out to be unusually beautiful and fragrant.


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