November 9: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma in 1997 issued a Decree on the celebration of the day of Ukrainian writing. Today, research is still underway, but it is believed that the beginning of the Ukrainian language was given by the Rev. Nestor the Chronicler. There were several options for Ukrainian writing: the Cyrillic alphabet has an ancient origin and natural character, the Glagolitic alphabet is the creation of one person. In the Northern Black Sea region they used the alphabet similar to Greek or Roman letters, the eastern regions (Scythians and Sarmatians) used the original Sarmatian characters. In Ukraine, this is also a church holiday, on this day the first Ukrainian work was performed - akathist to the Mother of God of Kholm in Ukrainian.

This day is celebrated in memory of the infamous Kristallnacht, the mass execution of Jews in Germany in 1938. The black night marked the beginning of the Holocaust - the mass extermination of Jews. During the Holocaust, about 6 million Jews were affected. The policy of the superiority of nations has proved its failure, but today Islamophobia is a big world problem. Other people may not be like us, but we must always remember what restrictions on rights on a national basis can lead to. The motto of the day is "Never Again!"

And also on this day:

Today, the German nation celebrates several memorable days. The last memorable event was the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the beginning of the process of unification of East and West Germany. Since the Cold War, wire fences have turned into a powerful concrete structure of five meters high with barbed wire at the top. The purpose of the wall is to limit the movement of people between parts of Germany. Its length was 45 kilometers, and for another 120 kilometers it lasted around the eastern side of Berlin. During the existence of the wall, many tried to overcome it, 1065 people were killed in illegal attempts to move to the Western part. A museum has been opened in memory of these events. It is a restored section of the Berlin Wall over 200 meters with a description of the various devices that residents of East Germany used to get into the western part. Most of the wall is taken apart for souvenirs.

Thus ended Adolf Hitler's attempt to seize power, like the Italian dictator Mussolini. Hitler himself was thrown into prison, but spent only a few months. In 1932, he gains power as a result of democratic elections.

And on November 9, 1918, the overthrow of the monarchy took place in Bavaria. Kaiser abdicated, and Germany was proclaimed a democratic republic.

The harvest festival in Spain is associated with the day of olives and olive oil. By this day, harvesting ends in olive groves, and a gala act of gratitude for earthly gifts is arranged in the small town of Baena. Fun music and dancing is accompanied by a generous feast. Thousands of tourists gather for the holiday, ready to try local varieties of olives and Italian cuisine. Andalusia is the capital of olive growing, around the city there are 400 square meters. km gardens and groves. Olives praised Homer and Aristotle, Lorca dedicated verses to them, and Hippocrates confirmed useful properties. Today, the magic olive and its oil are much more appreciated than other products. Collecting olives is a real ritual. The Olive Festival is organized on a special scale, as olive oil and olives are perishable products, they can not be stored for a long time.

(October 27th Old Style) - Zarok on Paraskeva

Paraskeva - a Christian great martyr, lived in the III century. She was born in Asia Minor in the family of a wealthy senator, but giving up luxury, led an ascetic lifestyle. During the persecution of Christians, she was severely tortured and beheaded. On this day, people make promises and vows and make plans. The fulfilled vow promised the fulfillment of desire with the help of Paraskeva. In order to divert the trouble from home, it was necessary in complete silence to vow and fulfill, and then pray in St. Paraskeva's church, and ask her for help. The trouble went away the next day.

November 9, 1520 - there was a mass execution of people, "Stockholm Blood Bath"

In 1520, the King of Denmark, Christian II, ordered the execution of hundreds of nobles and representatives of the Swedish nobility. The most tragic episode in the history of Sweden was provoked by fake documents exposing believers in heresy. This event is the result of the intrigues of Archbishop Gustav Troll, deprived of his dignity and deported from the country. His revenge was very cruel. He persuaded the Swedish king of Norway and Denmark to invade Sweden and take the Swedish throne. The newly-minted king promised the inhabitants of the country an amnesty, but did not keep his promise, and ordered the execution of the townspeople. The persecution of the Swedes was stopped by the uprising of Gustav Vaz, who subsequently laid the foundation for a new royal dynasty.

November 9, 1799 the 18 Brumaire coup put an end to the history of the French Revolution

The name of the coup is taken from the new revolutionary calendar of the French revolution. It was organized by the subsequently famous Napoleon Bonaparte, an ardent anti-monarchist and defender of the revolution. By a decree of the council, it was entrusted to him to ensure the safety of the republic. The conspiracy at the top and the support of the army enabled Napoleon to become the commander of the Paris military district and establish the dictatorship of the three consuls. He himself took the post of first consul, in fact becoming the head of state. The country became more modern, and the fate of many states changed with France.

Gail Borden (1801-1874), the famous inventor

Few people know that the recipe for ordinary condensed milk did not always exist. In the 19th century, Gail Borden spent a lot of time thinking of a way to conserve milk. Once in one sect he saw something that prompted him to think - a vacuum frying pan. He applied this to milk and got real condensed milk, capable of preserving its properties for a long time at any temperature. This is not his only invention. A changing cabin on the beach, mechanical paddles on a steamboat, a rotating table for snacks and more are inventions patented by him.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev born (1818-1883), Russian writer

The famous Russian writer of the 19th century left a rich literary heritage ("Mumu", "The parasite", "Provincial", "Calm", "Notes of the hunter", etc.). His novels “Fathers and Sons”, “Rudin”, “Noble Nest” are best known. He was buried at the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Alexandra Pakhmutova (1929), the famous and beloved Soviet composer throughout the country

Alexandra Nikolaevna was very gifted from childhood. She wrote the first works in childhood, but the war did not allow her to get an education in her youth. She graduated from the conservatory in 1953, followed by graduate school and thesis. As a songwriter, she wrote about 500 works that are well known and traditionally become hits. In addition, she owns several symphonic compositions, tunes for the children's choir and music for ballet.

Velimir Khlebnikov (1885 -1922), Russian poet and prose writer of the Silver Age

Khlebnikov was a real reformer of poetic language. He created the theory of Russian futurism and avant-garde. Myths and cosmological motives in his performance had a great influence on the work of many writers and poets of the 20th century. Passion for Slavic mythology and folklore influenced his creative works, he took the Slavic name Velimir (he had the name Victor at birth). After the revolution, he wrote several works on a modern topic. The most important work of Zangezi Velimir Khlebnikov wrote in the genre of "supertale."

Mikhail Nekhemievich Tal (1936 -1992), Grandmaster of Chess

Mikhail was brilliant from childhood. He could add three-digit numbers in his mind when he was 7 years old. His memory was simply perfect, at the same age he recited the lectures of his father - a professor at a medical institute. The hobby for chess began at the age of 10, when he joined a chess club. By the age of 17, he received the title of champion of Latvia; at age 21, he became the champion of the USSR. He participated in the world championship for the first time in 1959, won in it, gaining 20 out of 28 points. The following year, he won the World Championship of Grandmaster M. Botvinnik. Tal was the youngest ever world champion. Mikhail Tal was also the founder and editor of the journal Chess. In 1988, he became the absolute world champion in blitz games, defeating Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov.

Karl Sagan (1934 - 1996), American astronaut

Karl Sagan became a real pioneer of space biology. As a biologist, astronomer-teacher, he explored the surface of Venus. Confirmation of his guesses took place during the expedition "Venus-4" in 1967. It is he who organizes messages to unearthly civilizations that attach to space probes. During his work, the scientist was awarded numerous prizes: NASA, Emmy, Hugo, etc.

Emil Gaborio (1832 - 1873), French writer

Emil Gaborio is the founder of the detective genre (The Case of the Widow Leruj, Case under No. 113, Crime in Orsival, The Golden Gang, and many others). His work was imitated by Arthur Conan Doyle, Stevenson and other followers who worked in the genre of the detective.

Ronald george norrish (1897 - 1978), English chemist

Norrish won the Nobel Prize for research and development in chemistry - ultrafast chemical reactions.

On this day name day holders of the following names celebrate:
Ivan, Kapitolina, Maxim, Andrey, Athanasius, Willy, Mark, Nestor, Stepan, Terenty, Nikolai.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).