Replace regular jam with apple confiture! Autumn chores - cook apple confiture for the winter


What only apple-based sweets have not been invented in the centuries-old history of cooking! Jams, mousses, preserves, jams, and also jam, a cross between jam and marmalade. He is good for everyone, both in pies, like a filling, and instead of jam on a loaf of loaf. And confiture, unlike other apple “jams”, is often prepared with aromatic spices - and the taste is unusual, and yet apple sweetness!

Apple confiture - general principles of preparation

• Confiture can be made from any kind of apples, regardless of whether they are sweet, sour or sweet and sour. The sweetness of the fruit is taken into account only to determine the amount of added sugar, since acidic varieties require an almost double increase in its norm.

• Apple confiture is the same jam, but with a denser consistency. To achieve this result, the apple mass is boiled with sugar until it is almost halved in volume or special gelling additives are added to it after a short cooking. They can be: pectin, gelatin, starch or other special thickeners for jam.

• Fruits are rinsed and peeled before use. Often the peel is used in the preparation of a decoction, on which syrup is then boiled. The cleaned pulp is cut into slices, slices or mashed with a grater, in a meat grinder or beat with a blender.

• Confiture, like any other jam, is prepared in thick-walled dishes or large stainless steel basins. You can cook such a treat in a slow cooker.

• If you want to stock up with apple confiture for the winter, hot dessert is poured into glass sterile containers, and tightly corked with metal lids.

Citrus Ginger Apple Confiture


• one and a half kilograms of apples;

• three large tangerines;

• 650 gr. Sahara;

• two lemons;

• 120 gr. any honey;

• one small lime;

• 80 gr. fresh ginger;

• five spoons of brandy;

• gelatin mixture for confiture - 2 bags;

• a mixture of spices (star anise, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and saffron) - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled apples into small cubes.

2. Free the tangerines from the peel, remove from the citrus all white veins and disassemble them into segments, remove the seeds.

3. Combine the crushed apples with tangerine slices, cover with sugar and set aside, covering the container with a lid overnight.

4. Scald lime with boiling water and cut it into small pieces. Cut the peeled ginger into thin slices. Peel the lemons, sort them into slices and remove from their shell, cut into small pieces.

5. In a large bowl, pour lime slices with apple juice, put honey and put on a small fire. Add ginger to thin slices. As soon as the mixture boils, immediately dip the lemon pulp and apples mixed with tangerines into it.

6. Pour in alcohol, mix and let cook over low heat.

7. After forty minutes of slight boiling, season with spices, and after another 10, pour the mixture for the jam. Mix thoroughly, simmer for another 10 minutes, and only then pour the hot mass into sterilized jars and roll up.

Confiture from apples for the winter, with pectin


• three kilos of apples of sweet varieties;

• seven glasses of beet sugar;

• ground cinnamon in powder - 1/2 tsp;

• one glass of drinking filtered water;

• a tablespoon of pectin.

Cooking method:

1. Sort apples, choosing not damaged by rot and without wormholes, wash the selected fruits. To give your fruit as much juice as possible, peel them. Cut into slices and remove all solid partitions along with the seeds.

2. Pour three centimeters of water into a large saucepan, put apple slices in it and boil them. Cook over low heat under a lid until they are completely softened.

3. Rub the soft mass through a rare metal sieve and measure six glasses of the resulting fruit puree into a clean thick-walled dish.

4. Mix the pectin with a quarter cup of granulated sugar and pour the mixture in mashed potatoes. Set the container to maximum heat and wait for it to boil. Then reduce heat to a minimum and continue cooking, stirring vigorously for another 10 minutes.

5. Add the remainder to the sugar, mix and boil again quickly. Without lowering the heat, boil the confiture for at least a minute and pack on prepared jars when ready.

6. Readiness check by prying a small amount on a teaspoon. If the jam does not shake, then ready.

7. Pack the packaged delicacy with tin lids and refrigerate for 24 hours under a warm blanket.

Confiture from apples with starch - "Paradise pleasure"


• one kilo of small "paradise" apples;

• two glasses of water;

• one and a half large spoons of starch;

• 1.8 kg of beetroot white sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse thoroughly selected, not overripe fruits and rinse with warm water. Pierce the peel in different places with a thin, preferably wooden, stick and dip in boiling water. After three minutes, remove and transfer to a cold one.

2. Pour 750 ml of cold filtered water into sugar and, with slight heating, boil a thick, clear syrup, cool. You can prepare the syrup on a decoction left after blanching.

3. Pour apples with cooled sugar syrup and leave in it for 12 hours, then put on a small fire, boil and set aside until completely cooled. Repeat this procedure three more times, adding each time the remaining sugar, divided into three parts.

4. For the fourth time, cook the jam until tender, until the syrup is amber in color and begins to thicken. Five minutes before readiness, enter in it, diluted in 150 ml of cold water, starch and mix well.

Apple jam for winter with slices of fruit


• ripe apples - 1.2-1.4 kg;

• 500 gr. sugar, preferably unrefined;

• pectin - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples well with water and thinly cut the peel from them. Do not throw away the cleanings, fold them on cheesecloth and tie them in a bag.

2. Cut the peeled fruits into small slices, cut the core out of them and put them in a large saucepan, into which you lower the gauze bag with the peel. About a half kilogram of cooked sugar should go about 1.2 kg of processed fruits.

3. Pectin well mix with sugar and pour into a saucepan, put on medium heat and, after the sugar has dissolved, boil, stirring occasionally, for about twenty minutes.

4. When the bulk of the pulp is mashed, remove the bag and boil the confiture for another five minutes.

5. Quickly place the finished jam in jars and tightly seal the lids for seaming.

Classic apple confiture for winter without thickeners


• two kilograms of ripe sweet apples;

• one kilogram of sugar;

• half a glass of filtered water.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and thoroughly rinse selected fruits with water. When peeling, put sliced ​​fruits in one pan, and peeling (peel) in another.

2. Pour sugar in a bowl with apples and shake several times to distribute it evenly.

3. Pour water into the cleaning, mix well and place on medium heat. Boil for 10 minutes, set aside and cool.

4. Filtering the resulting broth through cheesecloth, transfer it to the apple pulp and cook on medium heat, periodically gently mixing the contents of the pan.

5. After forty minutes, reduce the flame and boil the jam twice in one go. This can take about an hour.

6. The finished confiture does not spread on the plate and does not drain from it if you tilt the dish.

7. Arrange the hot treat in prepared small cans, and roll up the boiled lids.

8. From the indicated amount of fruit a little more than one and a half liters of jam comes out.

Apple jam with lemon juice and zest - Citronka


• per kilogram of sweet and sour apples;

• 300 ml of water;

• two large lemons;

• a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

• 900 gr. Sahara.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all the fruits in warm water and cut off their peel. Then rinse again to remove any rubbish that accidentally gets into the treatment.

2. Cut coarsely and twist in a meat grinder through a rare grill or grate on a medium grater.

3. Add granulated sugar with cinnamon. Pour in water and mix well.

4. Dip the lemons in boiling water for two minutes. Then wipe dry and scrape with them a fine grater, directly to the apples, zest. Cut the citruses in half, squeeze the juice and, filtering through a sieve, pour it into the apple mass, mix.

5. Put on low heat and boil until completely softened and thickened.

6. The boiled confiture can be beaten until smooth with a blender., Then boil for a minute and roll up for the winter, spread out in sterile jars.

Confiture from apples with gelatin in a slow cooker


• two kilograms of sweet apples;

• a small lemon;

• 600 gr. Sahara;

• a teaspoon of ground ginger;

• a tablespoon of cinnamon powder;

• a teaspoon of “fast” gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. Prepared apples cut into small cubes and pour into the cooking bowl.

2. Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice, pour sugar and cinnamon with ginger, mix again.

3. On the "Baking" settings, bring the contents of the bowl to a boil and immediately transfer to the "Extinguishing" mode, lasting 1 hour.

4. In cold boiled water, soak the gelatin and dissolve it completely (dissolve it) by placing a bowl of swollen gelatin in a water bath.

5. Add the melted gelatin to the confiture after the program ends and mix well.

Apple confiture - cooking tips and tricks

• The method of chopping apples depends on the desired consistency of the confiture. If with pieces of fruit - cut into slices or medium-sized cubes.

• Perfectly smooth apple confiture can be obtained only from fruits twisted in a meat grinder or grated on a grater. Very often, sliced ​​apples are boiled until softened and only after that they are ground on a sieve.

• Apple jam is not only a treat served with tea. This jam is ideal in the filling and not only in the preparation of cakes, rolls, pancakes and desserts.


Watch the video: Apple Tamarind Chutney Sauce sweetened with Date and Jaggery. VeganVegetarian Recipe (July 2024).