Infertility in women - causes and treatment, prevention. Types of infertility in women, how to avoid infertility


According to statistics published by WHO, infertility is a problem for tens of millions of women: in the world, one in six couples has no children.

Although now there are many ways to treat infertility in women, but the disease does not disappear from this.

According to statistics, pregnancy in a young couple occurs after three months of sexual activity, if it is conducted regularly. This is in terms of age: a woman aged 20 years, a man aged 30 years. With an increase in age, the terms increase even more (if the age is ten years older, the terms increase to one year). Further increase more.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion about infertility, which predominates mainly in women, the statistics speaks differently: in 45% of infertile couples women lead, in 40% - men, and in the remaining 15% - a combination of both factors.

Primary and secondary infertility in women - what does it mean

Infertility in women is the non-occurrence of pregnancy during the year of regular sexual activity (at least once a week) in the absence of contraceptives.

Infertility is classified into primary and secondary.

Primary infertility (first degree infertility) - the impossibility of pregnancy in a woman who has never been pregnant before (60%).

Secondary infertility (40%) - when during life there was at least one pregnancy, regardless of its outcome.

Infertility in women - causes

The causes of infertility in women and its treatment depend on the degree of infertility.

The causes of infertility of the first degree are:

- abnormal structure of the genitals;

- congenital diseases;

- endocrine disorders.

The causes of the second degree of infertility are more numerous:

- abortion;

- sexually transmitted infections (STIs);

- tumors;

- various hormonal disorders;

- injuries of the genitourinary system;

- radiation;

- stress, increased emotionality;

- early menopause;

- lack of nutrition.

And although the causes of primary and secondary infertility in women are often the same, nevertheless infertility is classified at the time of its occurrence.

Allocate also:

1. Relative infertility - causes can be eliminated.

2. Absolute infertility - it is not possible to restore the ability to conceive.

The risk group for the development of infertility, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, includes women with a labile nervous system (emotional, excitable) and with existing diseases of the reproductive system.

Clinicians for convenience identify the causes of infertility in women, depending on the pathology that causes it:

- tubal infertility - develops as a result of developed obstruction of the fallopian tubes (organic or functional disorders are observed in 30%, according to statistics);

- endocrine infertility - occurs with hormonal dysfunctions;

- uterine infertility - associated with damage to the endometrium;

- immune - in connection with the antisperm antigen present in the body, but there is still no final evidence and conclusions;

- psychological - causes of infertility in women can be various problems in the family and at work.

The causes of some cases (a small number) of infertility in women are still unclear, despite sufficient experience in the diagnosis.

As statistically established, infertility in women has only one cause in 48% of women, two or more - in 52%.

Infertility in women - diagnosis

For the purpose of diagnosis, to determine the true causes of infertility in women, you need to undergo an examination, starting with elementary and accessible methods:

1. First of all, a gynecological examination.

2. Analysis of the calendar of menstruation.

3. Ultrasound of the uterus with appendages.

4. Bacteriological analysis (bacterial culture) of vaginal smears.

5. If necessary - a hormonal "mirror".

6. The study of the fallopian tubes for patency.

7. Biopsy.

8. In some cases, tests for antispermal bodies are used.

Infertility in women - treatment

Often infertility is manifested only by the absence of pregnancy. The longer the infertile period, the more difficult the treatment of infertility in women. The clinical picture of infertility is determined by the symptoms of the pathology that led to it. Accordingly, the treatment of infertility in women depends on its causes and is always individual. Timely therapy is considered treatment in terms of up to three years of absence of pregnancy. The treatment of infertility in women is a long and painstaking process. Patients should be patient and set themselves up for a positive. Treatment may include a variety of surgical and therapeutic measures.

With tubal infertility, patency of the fallopian tubes is restored using the laparoscopic method. If the operation is successful, pregnancy occurs within a year.

Treatment of uterine infertility in women occurs according to accepted algorithms (with myomas and endometriosis). If there are polyps or synechiae (fusion) in the uterus, surgical methods are used.

Endocrine infertility requires hormonal correction. If the menstrual cycle is violated, they are corrected with hormonal preparations containing progesterone and estrogens in certain proportions. When restoring the biphasicity of the cycle, they stimulate ovulation, also using hormones. In the course of this treatment, endocrine and metabolic disorders are eliminated in parallel: they treat existing obesity, hirsutism, and if necessary, sugar-lowering drugs are prescribed.

With polycystic ovary, surgical treatment is required: a part of the ovary is removed, the tissues of which stimulate the excessive formation of testosterone.

If the cause of infertility is an inflammatory process in the genital area, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

With psychological infertility, which occurs quite often, a psychologist is needed, because women rarely manage to cope with the causes of this type of infertility themselves rarely.

One of the important factors affecting the general condition of the body, and, ultimately, the development of infertility, is ecology. In large cities with a huge number of cars, high gas contamination causes hypoxia in women. And this affects not only its general condition, but also on individual systems and organs. Hypoxia is a very powerful universal damaging factor that affects, first of all, highly sensitive tissues and organs (brain). And in the subcortical structures of the brain, various hormones are formed that control the endocrine and sex glands (in women, the ovaries). In turn, the glands themselves are very sensitive to hypoxia, because the formation of hormones is a process that requires a lot of energy.

Even with the most highly qualified help, success in treating infertility in women is not always guaranteed. In such cases, IVF is used - exracorporal fertilization (fertilization outside the female body). But for IVF there are certain indications:

- if, after a full examination of the woman, the causes of infertility were not identified;

- absolute obstruction of the fallopian tubes;

- if there is no pregnancy within a year after a previous operation on the fallopian tubes in women over the age of 30;

- if pregnancy does not occur after five years (or more) of treatment for tubal pregnancy;

- immunological infertility after unsuccessful treatment.

In addition to treatment, there are ways to overcome infertility, which, in fact, refers to IVF. In addition to it, there is oocyte donation, the introduction of a sperm into the oocyte, and surrogacy. All these methods are successfully used and give hope for motherhood to many women.

Infertility in women - prevention

The issue of prevention is considered only for secondary infertility in women, since its causes are a variety of diseases that can be prevented. The rules for the prevention of secondary infertility are simple and commonplace:

- the exclusion of casual sexual intercourse;

- Prevention of abortion;

- compulsory contraception;

- timely access to a specialist and adequate treatment of diseases of the genital area.

Preventive measures of infertility in women can also include

- compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene;

- elimination of stress (with severe stress, a woman may stop having her period);

- proper nutrition;

- refusal of bad habits (alcohol, smoking);

- Regular professional examinations by a gynecologist even in the absence of complaints.

If you follow these simple rules, success will be guaranteed.


Watch the video: A Discussion of Miscarriage, Infertility and Early Pregnancy Loss (June 2024).