Homemade ice cream recipes with milk - a gift for sweet tooth. Ice cream, creme brulee and other homemade milk ice cream


Summer is leaving, but, as they like to joke, it’s cold in our country, this is when at “minus thirty” they stop eating ice cream on the streets.

Well, that means we don’t hinder to try a wonderful delicacy in any season, especially since we will prepare it ourselves from products whose quality is beyond doubt.

Homemade milk ice cream - general principles of preparation

• In order to make home-made ice cream from milk a soft and uniform consistency, a special device is used for its preparation - a freezer (ice cream maker). But if you strictly follow all the prescription recommendations, homemade ice cream will turn out no worse and without the use of such a device. The main thing is to be patient and not to be lazy, trying as often as possible to thoroughly mix or whip the dessert in the first hours of freezing.

• All products for making such a treat should only be fresh. The fat content of dairy products is the highest, since this is what ensures the creamy taste of ice cream. The higher the fat content, the tastier the dessert.

• Powdered or condensed milk, which in turn can be boiled or whole, can be added to homemade ice cream with plain milk.

• The unchanging components of any homemade milk ice cream are milk itself and granulated sugar. Depending on the formulation of a particular type of ice cream, you may need: eggs, exclusively their yolks, cream, butter, starch or flour, gelatin or brewed coffee, chocolate.

• Products are whipped with a mixer or whisk together or separately. Then they are heated in a certain sequence to the required temperature. After that, the resulting mass is well cooled and cleaned for a certain time, usually all night. The more often the frozen ice cream is mixed or whipped in the first three hours, the more uniform it turns out. It is recommended to do this at least every quarter hour, but you can also do it every half hour.

Homemade Milk Ice Cream Recipe - Creme Brulee


• 30 gr. milk powder;

• 100 gr. sugar

• 8 gr. starch;

• 340 ml of fat milk;

• 150 ml high fat cream, or homemade.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 40 grams of granulated sugar into a dry frying pan and melt over low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the caramel becomes dark brown, immediately pour 40 ml of milk into it. Continuing to stir, boil the caramel until thickened and remove from heat.

2. Combine the remaining sugar and milk powder and pour in a little plain milk. Stir and immediately add caramel into the resulting slurry.

3. Separately, dilute the starch in a small volume of milk, and transfer the remaining to caramel mixture, mix and strain. Then bring to a boil with moderate heating and pour, gradually, the starch diluted with milk. In order to make the brewed “jelly” homogeneous, intensively stir the caramel-milk mass with a whisk.

4. Place the jelly container in a wide bowl filled with cold water and cool with constant stirring.

5. Pre-chilled cream, beat well with a mixer and, without stopping whipping, carefully introduce cold “jelly” into them.

6. Transfer the mixture to a plastic container and put it in the freezer for an hour and a half. Pour ice cream every quarter hour and beat it well with a mixer.

7. Then put the ice cream in a bowl, tighten each wrap and put in the freezer for another forty minutes.

8. After that, the ice cream will be completely ready.

The recipe for homemade ice cream with milk according to GOST - "Milk"


• 10 gr. starch;

• one bag of vanillin;

• exactly 390 gr. homemade milk;

• milk powder - 25 gr.

Cooking method:

1. In a suitable enamel saucepan, mix granulated sugar with milk powder and vanilla.

2. Pour 340 ml of milk into the mixture and mix well. Stir in the remaining 50 ml of milk until the starch dissolves, transfer it to a saucepan and stir everything well again.

3. Bring the milk mixture to a boil over medium heat. Then reduce heat and continue cooking, without stopping mixing.

4. Once the milk mass has thickened well, remove from heat, refrigerate and refrigerate for an hour.

5. After that, pour the chilled milk jelly into the ice cream maker or container, in which put it in the freezer for one hour. Do not forget to beat the ice cream with a mixer every 20 minutes.

The recipe for homemade ice cream with milk and boiled condensed milk - "Creme brulee"


• 100 gr. boiled condensed milk;

• two yolks;

• a small pinch of vanilla powder;

• two tablespoons of wheat flour;

• half a liter of homemade fat cream;

• 150 ml of homemade fatty milk.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, put two large spoons of boiled condensed milk. Wash the eggs with water, gently break them and separate the yolks from the proteins. Add the yolks to the condensed milk, and remove the proteins, they will not be useful for making ice cream.

2. At medium speed, beat the egg yolks with condensed milk well with a mixer. At the same time, in small portions, first introduce the flour, and then the remaining boiled condensed milk.

3. Then, without stopping beating, with a thin stream, enter boiled warm, but not hot milk, and place the mixture in a water bath.

4. Constantly stirring the milk mass with a spoon, boil it in a water bath. Take off as soon as the mass thickens. Chill.

5. Separately, before the formation of strong spiky peaks, whip the cream and very carefully combine them with the brewed milk mass.

6. Put the ice cream in a plastic container, close the lid and put in the freezer for half an hour. Then take it out, kill it with a hand blender, and put it in the freezer again. Repeat this procedure two more times and, after the last cooling, put it in portions.

The recipe for homemade ice cream with milk in butter - "Creamy ice cream"


• 100 gr. creamy "Traditional" butter;

• five yolks from large eggs;

• two full glasses of sugar;

• a spoonful of starch;

• a liter of fatty homemade milk.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar and starch, add the yolks, rubbing the mass with a spoon. A gentle homogeneous mass should be obtained, without impurities of sugar crystals.

2. Dilute the yolks grated with sugar with milk so that the consistency of the resulting mass resembles a not very thick fermented baked milk.

3. Place a saucepan with milk on a small fire. Immediately put in it the butter, cut into small pieces, and bring to a boil.

4. Gently pour the mixture of yolks whipped with sugar into boiling milk, while intensively stirring hot milk with a whisk.

5. As soon as the contents of the container begin to boil, remove the saucepan from the heat and place in a container with cold, almost ice-cold water. Do not stop stirring the mixture until it is evenly warm. After that, leave without stirring until completely cooled.

6. Then pour the ice cream into molds or pour into a large container and put it in the freezer for 4 hours. To make the treat freeze evenly, mix it at intervals of half an hour.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipe with Milk, Gelatin and Cream - Bird's Milk


• homemade or fatty purchased milk - 1 liter;

• half a liter of 22% cream;

• 50 gr. “fast” gelatin;

• 200 gr. natural 72% oil;

• can of condensed milk;

• 2 gr. vanilla powder;

• two glasses of granulated sugar;

• 100 gr. bar of natural dark chocolate;

• dark chocolate with crushed hazelnuts - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer gelatin to a small saucepan and pour 100 ml of cold water into it. Put the container on the smallest fire and warm the gelatin in water, constantly stirring, until completely dissolved. Do not boil!

2. In a pan with a capacity of 5 liters, pour milk, add all the sugar, add vanillin. Heat the milk to a warm state and mix granulated sugar in it well. Milk "syrup" should not contain undissolved grains of sugar.

3. Add cold cream to warm sweet milk, put gelatin dissolved in water into it, and whisk everything with a mixer (20 minutes). The milk mixture should increase several times. Place the pan in a bowl of cold water to cool well.

4. Put cold butter in a small bowl and cut it into slices directly in it. Pour the condensed milk from above and beat everything until a lush mass is obtained.

5. Transfer the prepared cream to a chilled milk mass and beat it well again. Put the contents of the pan in two plastic containers and put it in the freezer for 11 hours.

6. After that, put one of the containers on a shelf in the refrigerator and wait until the ice cream melts a little. Leave the second tank until next time. When you press the ice cream with a finger to spring, remove it from the refrigerator and beat it with a mixer for 20 minutes.

7. Take half a bar of chocolate with hazelnuts and half a bitter chocolate. Break them into small pieces, add four tablespoons of milk and melt the chocolate using a water bath.

8. Cover a small form with a sheet of baking paper so that it covers not only the bottom, but also its sides. Pour the melted chocolate into a mold and gently smooth it with a spatula.

9. When the chocolate layer has cooled, put ice cream on it.

10. Melt the remaining chocolate and, after it has cooled slightly, apply a thin layer on the ice cream.

11. Cover the ice cream lid or cling film and place in the freezer.

12. When the dessert hardens well, cut it into portions and serve.

The recipe for homemade milk ice cream with yolks - "Coffee"


• five domestic chicken eggs;

• half a glass of refined sugar;

• half a liter of fat milk;

• a glass of brewed strong coffee;

• half a teaspoon of liquor.

Cooking method:

1. Gently break the eggs. Place the yolks in a small bowl, and remove the proteins, they are not needed.

2. Add granulated sugar to the yolks and beat them well with a whisk or mixer until a homogeneous white mass is obtained.

3. In a saucepan, mix milk with coffee and put on medium heat. As soon as the contents of the saucepan begin to boil, add the yolks whipped with sugar and boil over the smallest fire. Do not boil and constantly mix everything with a whisk. Pour liquor into the thickened coffee and milk mass, stir well and remove from heat.

4. Place the container in a large bowl filled with cold water, and, stirring the mixture vigorously, cool it.

5. Pour the coffee ice cream into the container and place it, covering the lid in the freezer for 5-6 hours. Be sure to mix every half hour so that the ice cream congeals evenly.

Homemade Milk Ice Cream - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• Rinse the eggs thoroughly before using warm water, even if there is no visible contamination on the shell. The bacteria located on it can get into dessert, and since the milk mass with the addition of yolks does not boil, this can lead to intestinal upset.

• To whip the cream better, put them together with a whisk or a nozzle from the mixer in the freezer for up to half an hour.

• To prevent ice cream from absorbing foreign odors, close the lid tightly in the container in which you place dessert in the freeze. Plastic food containers, the most convenient dishes in this case.


Watch the video: CREME BRULEE IN MICROWAVE Mug recipe, How to make, simplified recipe - Inspire To Cook (June 2024).