September 17: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays September 17th.


Holidays September 17

Rescuer Day of Ukraine

Emergency rescue workers make a significant contribution to the prevention and elimination of technological emergencies. Protecting the health and life of people, as well as property, is the main thing for rescuers who celebrate their holiday on the day of the Icon of the Mother of God in the Orthodox Church. The icon is called "Burning Cupid", it is considered the patroness of firefighters and rescuers, helps everyone who is in trouble. Prior to this, rescue workers celebrated Civil Defense Day in August.

US Constitution and Citizenship Day

Constitution Day is part of Constitution Week, many American citizens celebrate this holiday. It is not a day off for the country, however, regardless of religion and nation, all people recognize the importance of constitution day. More than two hundred years ago, the first constitution of America (1787) was adopted, which was signed by delegates from 12 states. Soon at the first congress, amendments called the Bill of Rights were passed. 3rd Sunday of May was proclaimed America's Day. Subsequently, this holiday was renamed and moved to September. All week, students in schools study features, the history of creation, cite passages and highlight important things of the constitution, and wealthy people make their donations to various charitable foundations.

Opening of the parliamentary year in the Netherlands

September 17 (the third Tuesday of September) opens a new parliamentary year. In The Hague, all the political power of the Netherlands is concentrated, it is an important political center of the country. Here is the official residence of the royal family, when Queen Beatrice is in the castle, a flag is raised above him. The Queen officially opens the parliamentary year, pronounces a greeting. In the middle of the day, the Golden motorcade arrives at the Parliament, at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon the Queen’s speech begins. In the busy and so the center of The Hague this day is especially crowded, thousands of people are interested in the day of Parliament, the participants of the holiday arrive in The Hague and from other cities.

Folk calendar 17 september

"Burning bush"

There is a tradition according to which God appeared to Moses in the form of a fireproof thorn bush to indicate the way to Egypt. The icon symbolizes the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. It depicts Mary with a baby in the middle of an eight-pointed star. The star consists of green and red quadrangles, symbolizing the colors of the flame and the natural color of the Dome. The first mention of the icon dates back to the 16th century, and the beginning of the celebration of the icon's day dates back to the 17th century. The Burning Cupina is considered the guardian of fires and thunderstorms. On this holiday, believers say prayers from fires, go around with an icon around their house.

It is known that in wooden Russia, fires and crop failures from drought are the most terrible disasters. Therefore, many people walk a lot of beliefs: for example, it is believed that it is easier to extinguish fires with beer or black cow milk. There is also a belief that if you launch a white dove into a burning hut, the fire will go out faster. Also protect from fire a black cat or dog. Harbingers of fires are mice running on the floor or a hare running in the village. However, preparing for a fire in advance can provoke a fire itself. On this day, men pierced the hay with a pitchfork from all sides to expel the spirits of cattle disease.

Historical events of September 17

September 17, 1668 - In France, a performance was organized for the boyar Potemkin, who served as the Russian ambassador to this country (1667-1668). The envoy of the Russian throne was awarded such high honor from Moliere himself, it was this talented playwright who staged the play, moreover, in his own work.

September 17, 1920 - At Russian higher educational institutions, working faculties were opened at which people without secondary education were trained. Representatives of the working class or peasants who were 18 years old could become students of rabfakov. Pupils were delegated by factory committees, party departments, etc. The time of study at the working faculty was counted in the seniority, during this period a scholarship was paid. Full-time studies at the faculty lasted for three years, evening uniform was designed for four years. Almost 50 percent of the places in higher educational institutions were reserved for graduates of labor schools.

September 17, 1920 - The first in the country radio concert was organized on the radio station Radio Moscow. This event has greatly contributed to the growing popularity of radio.

September 17, 1932 - The Maxim Gorky Literary Institute was founded, initially acted as an evening working literary university.

September 17, 1939 - The territories of Western Belarus, which since 1919 were part of Poland (Grodno and Brest regions), went to the Soviet Union. The unification of Western Belarus and the BSSR became possible after Hitler's troops entered Poland on September 1, 1939 and, by agreement, the Soviet Union divided its territory barbarously.

September 17, 1941 - In the Soviet Union, large-scale military training was introduced, all citizens had to undergo training, regardless of gender and age differences.

September 17, 1991 - the case has been closed, which for many years has prevailed over the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an outstanding Russian writer to get the opportunity to return to his homeland from forced emigration.

Born on September 17

Sergey Petrovich Botkin (1832-1889) - an outstanding Russian doctor

Sergei Botkin is rightly considered the founder of Russian medicine. After graduating from a medical institute, he worked in a hospital with the great Russian surgeon N. Pirogov. He also participated in the Crimean campaign as a doctor, and acquired serious skills in a military hospital. At the age of 29, Sergey Petrovich already received the title of professor, and for three decades he was the head of the clinic. It was Botkin who noticed that the disease through the nervous system affects the body as a whole. Another significant event with his participation was the opening of women's medical medical courses. Alexandrovskaya hospital bears his name today.

Vladimir Menshov (1939) - Russian director

Menshov's career began with acting after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio in the Stavropol Theater, but over time, directing captured him more. He studied directing, and the first film was "The Draw", which was held with great success. The film “Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears” with the director’s wife Vera Alentova in the title role is most popular.

Agostinho Neto (1922 - 1979) - First President of Angola

The struggle for independence unfolded in this country in the mid-50s. Participating in the national liberation movement, he managed to sit in prison more than once. In between, he received a medical education. In 1962, after escaping to Morocco, he moved to the Congo and controlled the people's democratic movement from there. After independence, all Portuguese specialists were expelled from the country, and the country plunged into even greater devastation. The troops of the BAR and Zaire invaded the country, but with the help of the USSR and Cuba, the invaders were expelled from the country.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 9535 years) - the founder of the space industry of the USSR

Konstantin Eduardovich - comes from an ancient clan Nalyvayko from Ukraine. In childhood, he had a bad hearing due to scarcely scarlet fever. He had to abandon many children's amusements, because he loved tinkering. He had to achieve everything himself, work and study, although his first attempt to enter the institute was unsuccessful. Studying independently, Konstantin Eduardovich collected a good library from his own money. After the revolution, he invented a gas turbine engine circuit, then developed a hovercraft train. For the first time, it was he who put forward the version that soon man will be able to overcome universal gravitation. The scientist's contribution to space science is enormous.

Name day September 17

Name day celebrate: Michael, Moses, Vasily, Fedor, Julian, Alexander, Pavel, Peter, Ivan, Mitrofan, Gregory, Elena, Nikolai, Stepan.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).