September 2: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 2.


Holidays September 2

End of World War 2, surrender of Japan

One of the points of the law on "Days of Military Glory" marked this date - the day the Second World War ended. For our country, this is not a holiday, but rather a day of remembrance, and the holiday is considered the Day of Military Glory, dedicated to all the defenders of the Fatherland, who took part in the battles for their homeland. On September 2, an act of surrender of Japan was signed on the Missouri American ship. Among the countries participating in the act was the USSR. The largest world war lasted for exactly 6 years, 40 countries from three continents participated in it. It’s just impossible to calculate the number of victims, the number is officially called - about 1.7 billion people. For Russia, September 2 is a celebration of victory in the war against Japanese aggressors, immortalized in a national holiday of military glory.

Police Patrol Service Day

The first instruction of the NKVD to a policeman issued on this day in 1923 regulates the provisions on the service of a policeman, work duties and rules. In all cities, these units appeared and carried out service, observing order and ensuring peace of citizens. PPP employees have a special form, and are located in crowded places - in gardens and parks, on city squares, on roads, and streets. Today, the teaching staff is also one of the many law enforcement departments in every corner of the country.

Labor Day in America and Canada

For more than 100 years, America has celebrated this interesting holiday, the origins of which lie in the desire to make an additional day off for workers. The unions have stepped up their work, and are about to arrange special parades of workers that day to express gratitude to their unions. The holiday in America and Canada differs from the European one on May 1 - here people just relax and have fun, thankful for a free minute to relax. Campsites are organized all over the country and everyone goes out into the fresh air, on a barbecue.

Notary Day in Ukraine

The Notary Chamber appealed to the incumbent President Yushchenko to sign the Decree on celebrating Notary Day in 2010. Officially, about 5 thousand specialists are employed in the chamber. It is noteworthy that the Decree was signed by the Presidents just three days before the end of his term. A notary is not just a legal worker, but a natural human rights defender who provides independent assistance to citizens of his country. In Russia, Notary Day is celebrated on April 27.

Folk calendar September 2

Samoilov day

Samuel is a biblical prophet, his name translates as "Heard by God." He lived in a difficult time for his people, when help and instruction were required. The moral decay reached a critical point and as a result the Philistines captured the religious shrines - the Ark of the Covenant. Samuel, through his sermons, inspired the Israelites to expel foreigners, enlightened compatriots, awakening a patriotic attitude in them. He ruled the people and was considered the supreme judge, but when he got older, people asked him to appoint another person to rule, changing the heavenly messenger to the earthly king. God allowed Samuel to fulfill the request of people, but at the same time ordered to explain that now people themselves are responsible for their actions. The first ruler Saul disappointed Samuel, he was succeeded by David. Since then, Samuel has been considered the intercessor of men in Russia, on this day the daughters give the fathers new shirts, and the wife sets the rich table in honor of the men. On this day nature is asked for the right weather for field work.

Historical events of September 2

September 2, 911 AD - conclusion of an agreement with Byzantium

In 911, Prince Oleg achieved significant success in the fight against Constantinople. The Vizintists were simply forced to conclude an agreement with him, as Oleg’s ships reached the other side of the Golden Horn by the tailwind. Vulnerable Constantinople was afraid of two thousand rooks, each of which had 40 men. According to the agreement, Byzantium and Kievan Rus had friendly relations. The rules for the exchange of prisoners, the conduct of legal proceedings, and punishment for crimes were also determined. If a ship or property was thrown ashore, assistance was prescribed. The maintenance of Russian merchants in Byzantium was paid from the treasury of Greek cities. Russians could live in Byzantine cities for up to six months, be hired for work and military service.

September 2, 1918 - the establishment of the Revolutionary Military Council of the republic headed by Leo Trotsky

From that moment, the country turned into a real military camp, and the Military Council became the highest collegial body. Trotsky led this body for 7 years. Each unit had at least 3 members of the Military Revolutionary Council, including the commander and political workers. Political events led to the emergence of the institution of people's commissars. In total, 52 people were able to work in it, the Council was abolished in 1934.

September 2, 1940 - introduction of the insignia "Marshall Star"

The star of the Marshal of the Soviet Union in the Soviet army was issued to those who had the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union. In the Russian army, the name has changed, now it sounds like the Marshal of the Russian Federation. In connection with this change, a new insignia "Marshall Star" was established. A little later, another sign was established - the Small Marshall Star. Both signs are made of gold with diamonds with the addition of platinum. Over the entire period, 200 and 370 pieces of stars were made. The Chairman of the Supreme Council always presents the Star with a special letter, after death or demotion, it is prescribed to hand over the insignia to the country's diamond fund.

September 2, 1727 - A Russian expedition set off from Okhotsk to Kamchatka, led by the famous explorer and navigator Vitus Bering (Danish by origin). The expedition was successful, new objects were mapped.

September 2, 1941 - at a time when Soviet troops were retreating under the pressure of fascist aggressors, the famous concert hall named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky opened in the Russian capital. Currently, the cultural institution is one of the largest concert halls in Moscow, it is the main concert venue of the Moscow Philharmonic, located on Triumfalnaya Square.

September 2, 1972 - The first ice hockey game in the legendary Super Series Canada - USSR. In the opening match of the big fight, which consisted of 8 games, the team of the Soviet Union won 3–7, the match took place in a maple leaf country, and a huge number of fans attended the stands, including the leadership of Canada. After the legendary game, Valery Kharlamov was offered 1 million dollars for moving to the NHL, the Soviet hockey player refused and remained at home, not wanting to emigrate to Canada.

September 2, 1992 - The authorities of Russia and the United States of America have taken a big step towards overcoming the long-standing barrier by agreeing not to impede the entry of journalists and businessmen from both countries. Thus, a new milestone began in the relationship between the two mega powers.

September 2, 1993 - An agreement on the construction of the International Space Station was signed between Russia and the United States of America. The complex, the construction and maintenance of which was later attended by 15 countries, is intended for serious space research that is designed to help solve global problems. Today, the International Space Complex is managed from Korolev (in Russia) and Houston (in the United States of America), however, the two sides provide important information to each other every day.

Born on September 2

John howard (1726-1790) - British philanthropist

The main goal of Howard's civic activities was the fight against diseases of a mass nature - the plague, as well as reforming the prison system. After being elected sheriff, Howard was simply amazed at the environment in which the criminals were held in prisons. His nickname among contemporaries sounded like "Howard Philanthropist." In 1777, he wrote the book “The State of the Prisons of England and Wales,” which, after publication, immediately shocked his compatriots. It was Howard who noticed the dependence of the state of the city on outbreaks of prison fever, studied quarantine and promoted hygiene measures. In Bedford, a bronze statue is set for John Howard.

Louis I Bonaparte (1778 - 1846) - Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland. Napoleon's brother 2.

The Bonaparte family was quite large, Louis received his crown from Napoleon 1. The Netherlands was considered a vassal state in relation to France, but Louis accepted the needs of the Netherlands and the Dutch as his own and put a lot of effort into the development of the country. He is credited with founding the Royal Institute of Arts, Academy of Sciences. Lodoveyk (as the king called himself in the local dialect) removed most of the French army from Holland, abolished the death penalty. He married and gave birth to three sons, and in 1810, by order of a more powerful brother, he abandoned the throne in favor of his little son. Four days later, Holland was annexed by France.

Keanu Reeves (1964) - American actor

Exotic appearance, obtained as a result of mixing many nations, gives Reeves the opportunity to get exotic roles. The most famous role was in the film The Matrix, and other films with his participation are also known: Speed, My Personal Idaho, Konstantin, On the Wave Crest. The actor’s fees are very high, but he agrees to lower rates, only to participate in films with famous actors, for example, Al-Pacino in “Devil's Advocate”. The filmography of Keanu Reeves has about 50 roles.


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