Erysipelas of the skin: causes, symptoms, treatment. How to identify and treat erysipelas


Erysipelas (erysipelas) - inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin caused by group A streptococcus.

The disease is seasonal and occurs mainly in summer or autumn.

In terms of prevalence, erysipelas are second only to acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections and hepatitis.

Most often, the inflammatory process is localized on the arms or legs, face and scalp.

Much less frequently, the stomach, sides, and genitals are affected.

Causes of erysipelas

In the age group of 20 to 30 years, erysipelas are mainly affected by men who work hard in conditions conducive to cooling and skin contamination. These are drivers, miners, military, movers, builders. Among older people, women are more likely to get sick.

The disease is caused by streptococci, which enter the skin through scratches, abrasions, or diaper rash on the skin. But getting streptococci does not always cause the disease. The causes of erysipelatous skin inflammation are various provoking factors:

• skin damage (animal bites, pressure sores, cuts, umbilical wound of newborns);

• negative environmental impact associated with professional activities (contact with the skin of chemicals, frequent pollution);

• chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, neurodermatitis);

• skin diseases of a viral nature (herpes, chickenpox, shingles);

• chronic diseases that reduce immunity (mainly in old age);

• circulatory disorders (varicose veins);

• ENT diseases (otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis);

• fungal lesions of the skin and feet;

• post-traumatic and postoperative scars;

• taking certain medications;

• long stay in stressful situations, living in poor conditions;

• abuse of alcohol and smoking, drug use;

• often wearing tight, tight clothes that upset blood circulation.

Almost a fifth of the population is a carrier of streptococcal infection. It can be found in the sinuses, decayed teeth, and sore tonsils. But with a sufficiently effective functioning of the immune system, the disease does not occur. If the defenses of the body are weakened for any reason, streptococci get a good breeding ground.

Symptoms of erysipelas

From the time of penetration of staphylococcal infection until the first signs of inflammation, from 3 to 6 days pass. There are several forms of erysipelas: from the initial symptoms without significant changes in the skin to the appearance of blisters with further necrosis of the affected areas of the skin.

Symptoms of erysipelatous inflammation of the skin manifest themselves sharply and begin with an increase in body temperature to 38-40 C. The disease is accompanied by signs that indicate a general intoxication of the body:

• weakness throughout the body;

• pain in the muscles;

• throbbing headaches;

• nausea and vomiting;

• increased drowsiness, decreased appetite.

During the day, the symptoms of erysipelatous inflammation of the skin intensify, and then symptoms of inflammation occur, depending on the location of the disease.

Erysipelas on the leg

At the end of the day, the primary symptoms of the disease are exacerbated by a burning sensation in a sore spot, swelling and pronounced redness of the skin. Most often, erysipelas of the leg appear in the lower leg. Among the complications are ulcers and even gangrene. Relapses and a severe form of the course of the disease are often found.

Erysipelas on the leg is also dangerous because many patients do not take it seriously and tend to consider these symptoms as a manifestation of an allergy or skin reaction to an insect bite.

Erysipelas of the hands

Erysipelas in the hands greatly complicates the patient’s life, as it does not allow him to perform normal homework and lead a full-fledged lifestyle. Pain, itching, and a burning sensation can be complicated by ulcers, which become an environment for pathological bacteria to enter the body.

Erysipelas of the face and scalp

Erysipelas, localized on the head or face, is characterized by pain, swelling, rash, and purulent vesicles. Even if the symptoms of inflammation disappear, the virus continues to live in the body, manifesting itself from time to time. Earlier erysipelas were called “holy fire” because of an unpleasant feeling of tightness of the skin and pains of a piercing nature.

Most often, inflammation affects the wings of the nose and cheeks, resembling a “butterfly”, as well as the corners of the mouth and skin near the ears. Sites of inflammation rise above the rest of the skin, forming a kind of ridges.

Treatment for erysipelas

Only a mild form of the disease can be eliminated with ointments or compresses. In most cases, the basis for the treatment of erysipelas is antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously or taken in tablet form. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are prescribed (Nurofen, Paracetamol). The duration of administration varies from 7 days to two months and depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment takes place, as a rule, in a hospital setting.

In the treatment of erysipelatous skin inflammation, the use of antiallergic drugs (Tavesil, Diazolin) is also indicated. They reduce swelling and relieve inflammation. Sulfonamides Biseptol and Streptocid prevent the formation of new bacteria. Biostimulants (Pentoxyl) are shown to restore healthy skin integuments. Since the support of the immune system is of great importance in case of a disease, multivitamin preparations are prescribed.

For anesthesia and elimination of itching, dressings are prescribed with a solution of furatsilina or dimexidum, powder of Entereseptol. When treating erysipelas of the skin, do not use synthomycin or ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can cause complications such as sepsis or thrombophlebitis.

If the legs are affected by erysipelas, bed rest is recommended. In bed, you must be with a raised leg to relieve swelling. After treatment, it is recommended to wear elastic stockings for at least a month.

Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis, UHF, and laser therapy using infrared rays are prescribed. With relapses of the disease, antibiotics of prolonged action Bicillin-5 are prescribed. They are taken for a long time: from a month to a year. If relapses of erysipelatous inflammation are clearly seasonal in nature, a prophylactic course of antibiotics is prescribed a month before the possible onset of the disease. Only a doctor can prescribe such treatment.

Doctors usually warn that such a popular treatment with folk remedies is not the best solution for erysipelas, as it can cause allergic reactions and the spread of bacteria throughout the body. With a mild form of the disease, compresses from infusions of medicinal herbs (plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort and others) can be made to relieve skin inflammation.

Prevention of erysipelatous skin inflammation

Since erysipelas are prone to frequent recurrence, prevention plays a big role. Preventive measures include:

• timely treatment of chronic infections that weaken the immune system, special attention should be paid to the treatment of foot mycosis;

• dieting (fermented milk products, low-fat meat and fish, vegetable fats, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits with a high content of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus);

• increase in hemoglobin in the blood;

• strengthening the immune system;

• exclusion from the diet of alcoholic beverages, chocolate, coffee, spicy and smoked foods;

• strict observance of the rules of personal hygiene;

• avoid overcooling and sudden temperature changes;

• fight against dry skin, cracks, diaper rash;

• restriction of direct contacts with other patients with erysipelas;

• regular intake of vitamins;

• use of massage and physiotherapy exercises.

Patients with frequent relapses are under the supervision of a doctor from 6 months to 2 years.

Erysipelas is a serious illness with which a person sometimes has to fight for many years. Complete disposal is possible only with timely treatment and compliance with all preventive measures.


Watch the video: Bacterial Skin Infection - Cellulitis and Erysipelas Clinical Presentation, Pathology, Treatment (June 2024).