Sour cream in a slow cooker - is it a cake or pie? Proven recipes for sour cream in a slow cooker


Sour cream is a very juicy cake, although many consider it a pie.

What's the difference?

Sour cream sweet, tasty, tender.

It is very easy to prepare, especially in a slow cooker.

Sour cream in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

Judging by the name, it is easy to guess that the main ingredient is sour cream. She can go not only to the dough, but also to the cream. In the second case, it is desirable to use a thick, fatty and necessarily fresh product. Any sour cream, even acidified, will fit into the dough. After baking, nothing will be noticeable.

What else is put in the dough:

• sugar;

• wheat flour;

• eggs;

• baking powder (or just soda, but slaked).

Depending on the recipe, sour cream can be vanilla, chocolate, poppy, coffee. Consequently, the number of ingredients in the list is increasing. Creams for sour cream can also be prepared different: oil, sour cream, condensed milk, with cream and even custard. You can do without a cream at all. The pie goes well with jam, jam, chocolate paste. If the baking is cooked in haste, then the crumpet is simply sprinkled with powder.

In a slow cooker, sour cream is baked from 50 minutes to 1.5 hours. The time depends on the incoming ingredients, the humidity of the dough, as well as the abilities of the miracle pot.

Classic sour cream in a multicooker

This recipe for sour cream is known to many, but few people cook it in a slow cooker. In fact, everything is much simpler and easier, the result is no worse.


• two eggs;

• a glass of sour cream;

• a glass of sugar;

• 2 tsp cultivator;

• a glass of flour;

• 5 grams of oil.

For a cream you will need a glass of powder and 1.5 cups of fat sour cream, add vanillin if desired.


1. Rub a bottom of the multicooker and sides with a piece of oil, not more than a third of the entire height. Immediately insert the saucepan in its place.

2. Put eggs in a bowl, add sugar and you can immediately put sour cream.

3. Beat all three ingredients with a mixer for two minutes.

4. Add flour and cultivator to the sour cream. Beat another minute.

5. Pour the dough into a saucepan that was previously greased.

6. Close, cook on baking for 50 minutes.

7. Then we turn the sour cream over and cook another 10 minutes, no more.

8. Take out the cake, let it cool down for now. It is better to place it on the grill so that the bottom does not become wet.

9. For cream you just need to mix the powder with sour cream. We throw a pinch of vanilla to improve the aroma.

10. Cut the cooled cake into two parts and put a thick layer of sour cream on the lower cake. You can leave it like that for ten minutes, let it soak.

11. Cover with a second cake, but do not press.

12. The remains of sweet sour cream are distributed on top and on the sides. For decoration we use crumbled cookies or any berries, you can sprinkle sour cream with grated chocolate.

Sour cream in a slow cooker with curd cream

A variant of a juicy and tasty sour cream in a slow cooker that is coated with curd cream. The cake will be tender if you take fat cottage cheese. Sour cream is also better to take fat and thick.


• 300 grams of sour cream;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 tsp soda, vinegar.

For cream:

• 0.3 kg of sour cream;

• 0.3 kg of cottage cheese;

• 1 cup of sugar.


1. Making the dough. Beat eggs with sugar until lush foam, as for a classic biscuit.

2. Add sour cream, stir.

3. We throw the sifted flour together with slaked soda. Stir.

4. We smear the capacity of the multicooker from the inside and sprinkle with a spoon of flour, it will not let the cake stick.

5. Spread the dough, put the sour cream on the baking dish. We cook an hour, then turn the cake and bake on the same program for another quarter of an hour. Cool down.

6. Grind the curd, you can use a blender. Add all other ingredients of the cream and whisk a little. We clean in the refrigerator.

7. The cooled cake is cut into three plates. We grease the cream alternately, immediately lay on top of each other.

8. Top and sides of the cake, we also miss.

9. We stand for impregnation for at least two hours, always in the refrigerator. But it’s better to leave it all night.

Sour cream in a slow cooker with butter

Recipe sour cream with oil. You can lubricate with any cream, jam or leave as a pie. In this case, you can sprinkle the cake with powder or chocolate chips.


• 0.2 kg of sour cream;

• 0.28 kg of flour;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 0.1 kg of oil;

• 4 eggs;

• 0.5 tablespoons of cultivator;

• vanilla.


1. Melt the butter. You can do this in a pan, in the microwave, but best in a slow cooker. Lubricate the bowl at the same time. Pour the melted butter and cool.

2. Combine and beat eggs with sand. It is not necessary long and strong, it is enough to dissolve all grains.

3. Add the butter, already chilled, to the eggs and spread all the sour cream at once. Stir.

4. Add flour to the sour cream and then pour the cultivator. If desired, replace slaked soda.

5. Put the mixed dough in a greased bowl.

6. Close the slow cooker, bake the sour cream for an hour, then you can turn it over and hold for another ten minutes.

Sour cream in a slow cooker with condensed milk

Another recipe for sour cream in a slow cooker, but this time ordinary condensed milk is added to the dough. White milk is used without additives and boiling.


• flour 2 cups;

• 200 ml (glass) of sour cream;

• 100 ml of condensed milk;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tsp soda.

For cream:

• 30 grams of oil;

• 300 grams of condensed milk;

• 1 tsp instant coffee.


1. We take out the butter for the cream immediately into the heat, let it rest a little.

2. Beat the eggs with a mixer until foam. Add sugar, beat until particles are dissolved.

3. Add the condensed milk, followed by sour cream.

4. We put the flour in the dough at the very end, when stirring, we introduce soda. Be sure to quench the powder with table or apple cider vinegar, you can use lemon juice.

5. We transfer the kneaded mass into the greased cartoon bowl, close and bake for an hour.

6. Add a spoonful of water to instant coffee, stir.

7. Next we put the oil, which we had to leave warm in advance. Beat until fluffy.

8. We introduce white condensed milk into the oil, but not all at once. Add in parts. The cream is ready! If someone likes more sweet fillings, then you can pour a little powder.

9. Cool the baked sour cream and cut into cakes. Better if you get 3 pieces.

10. Coat the cakes with coffee cream, cool.

Chocolate cooker in a slow cooker

A variant of a delicious sour cream, which is prepared with the addition of cocoa. Cream on vanilla sour cream, but you can also add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder or melted tiles.


• 0.6 kg of sour cream;

• 0.4 kg of sugar;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 tsp soda;

• vanilla, oil.


1. Oil rub the form of a miracle pan, let us wait in the wings.

2. Beat eggs and half the prescription sugar.

3. Add 250 grams of sour cream to them, set aside the rest for cream.

4. Sift the cocoa powder with flour, add to the dough and immediately introduce soda, we extinguish it.

5. Stir and pour the chocolate mass into the previously greased capacity of the multicooker.

6. Bake sour cream cake for exactly an hour. But it’s better to check on a dry stick, as multicookers are different for everyone.

7. For cooling, spread on the grill. Then cut into 2-3 cakes, as it happens.

8. Beat sour cream and the remaining sugar, do not forget to pour a little vanilla for the flavor.

9. We coat the chocolate cakes with vanilla cream, remove the sour cream for impregnation.

Poppy sour cream in a slow cooker

For a poppy sour cream in a slow cooker you will need not only poppy seeds, but also nuts. You can take any. According to the recipe, half a glass is indicated. This is the amount of chopped nuts, you can lightly fry the nucleoli.


• a glass of sour cream;

• 0.3 tablespoons of cultivator;

• a glass of sugar;

• 0.5 cups of poppy seeds;

• a glass of flour;

• 2 eggs.

For cream:

• 0.5 cups of nuts;

• 0.4 kg of sour cream;

• 4-7 tablespoons of sugar (to taste).


1. Mix the selected poppy with flour and baking powder. It is advisable to sift the flour so that the mass is more easily combined with the dry mixture.

2. Break the eggs. Immediately into a large bowl. Add sugar with sour cream.

3. Submerge the mixer and begin to whisk. We do this until all the grains have dissolved.

4. Add flour with poppy seeds, stir.

5. We shift poppy dough into a cup from the multicooker. Smear evenly so that the layer is the same everywhere.

6. Bake until cooked. First 50 minutes, then turn over and hold for another quarter hour.

7. Take out the poppy seed cake, cool.

8. Sour cream and sugar just stir, adjust the sweetness to your taste.

9. Add nuts to the cream, you can pour a little vanilla.

10. Grease cakes, decorate sour cream with poppy seeds or nuts. You can sprinkle with both.

Sour cream in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• The more sugar is added to the sour cream, the thinner it will be. Confectioners recommend using powder instead of sand, it liquefies a lot less. Also, professionals use special thickeners for cream, sour cream. At home, you can add a little dissolved gelatin.

• Turning the cake in the multicooker is most often done only for aesthetics. In most cases, the white top is baked. You can always turn the cake and make a rosy bottom riding.

• The amount of sugar in the cream can be regulated, taking into account not only your taste, but also the acid of sour cream. You can add whipped cream to the cream, the mass with them turns out to be more magnificent and strong.

• If there is no desire to make a cake, then you can prepare a sour cream in the form of a pie. To do this, add nuts, raisins to the dough, you can pour a few candied fruits or chopped dried apricots. The same option is preferable to put on a children's table, since fatty creams to use at an early age is undesirable.


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