Diet recipes for a slow cooker: tasty and low-calorie. The best dietary dishes in a multicooker made of vegetables, meat, fish and eggs


The slow cooker is so versatile that it can replace cooking breakdowns, an oven, an air grill, a double boiler and a frying pan.

Women who have become happy owners of multi-assistants take away all other kitchen appliances, and only water in a kettle is boiled on a gas stove.

But the most important thing is not in the convenience and simplicity of cooking, but in the use of dishes that are cooked in a slow cooker.

A tight lid retains all the vitamins and nutrients contained in the products.

A bowl with non-stick coating makes it possible to minimize the use of fats.

Of course, those who can’t live without a crispy crust can get it in a slow cooker. And everyone else is waiting for the treasured notebook, which contains diet recipes for the multicooker.

Dietary dishes in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

The main principle of the multicooker is to maximize the preservation of the taste and benefits of the products used. Foods are prepared faster, which also positively affects the preservation of vitamins and minerals.

The second, no less important point is the reduction in the calorie content of dishes due to the minimum use of oil. Fans of counting calories and fat-free diets manage (and very successfully) to do without oil at all, choosing the appropriate recipes for diet dishes in the microwave.

You can cook anything: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and, of course, vegetables. If the goal of using a multi-product is to reduce weight, then you need to select low-fat protein products. For example, give preference to beef, rabbit and chicken, while forgetting about pork and fat odorous lamb. Or instead of fatty salmon, buy pink salmon or fish with white meat (pollock or hake).

There are dozens of diet recipes in the multicooker. Each owner of a miracle device will surely find his own company recipe.

Vegetable stew

What can be done from vegetables so that you get a tasty and simple dish? There is nothing easier than making stew out of them. The multicooker miraculously allows you to do this quickly and without any human involvement. In principle, you can put any favorite vegetables in the bowl, pour them with broth or water, season with spices, press the start button of the stewing program - and forget about cooking for half an hour. Therefore, the recipe for a dietary dish in a multicooker, which you will find below, can be changed as you like: pick up potatoes, add green beans, etc.


• four potatoes;

• medium onion;

• one small young vegetable marrow;

• one medium-sized eggplant;

• a spoon of sunflower oil (you can not take it);

• two bell peppers;

• two tomatoes;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a bunch of fresh basil (suitable frozen or dried);

• salt, pepper, a pinch of coriander and ground cumin (if you like these spices).

Cooking method:

Wash and peel the vegetables. If the eggplant and zucchini are young, do not remove the peel. Pre-scald the tomatoes or lower them for half a minute in boiling water so that the skin peels better.

From peppers cut out the middle and the stalk.

Cut the eggplant into large slices and salt.

Onion cut into half rings or smaller cubes.

Dice tomatoes, potatoes and zucchini.

Pour oil into the bottom of the multicooker.

Rinse the eggplant in a colander from salt and juice.

Put all the vegetables in a bowl, mix with your hands or a spoon.

Salt, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers and spices.

Pour half a glass of water.

Put the extinguishing program for 30 minutes.

When the program ends, do not turn off the multicooker - let the heat conservation mode work.

Chopped peeled garlic and washed basil.

Put greens and garlic under the lid, bury and let stand for 15 minutes.

Cauliflower baked in a slow cooker with chicken

Lovers of cauliflower will surely be delighted with this wonderful diet recipe in a slow cooker. From a minimum of healthy ingredients, you can make a fantastically delicious and simple, and most importantly, healthy dinner.


• half boiled chicken breast (boneless fillet);

• a pound of cauliflower;

• two large eggs;

• one hundred grams of semi-hard cheese (low fat content);

• a glass of low-fat kefir;

• two cloves of garlic;

• some pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Wash the cabbage and divide into small neat little pussies.

Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl.

Put the cabbage in a container for steaming, install in a slow cooker, close the lid and turn on the steam function for 10 minutes.

If the crock-pot does not support this function, the cabbage needs to be poured with water about a finger above the level of the clippings and boiled on a regular stove, after saltizing for 10 minutes. In any case, bring the cabbage to readiness is not necessary.

Cut the boiled fillet into small strips and disassemble into fibers.

If there is no boiled meat, you should first cook it in any convenient way (after boiling no longer than 20 minutes).

Grate the cheese on the middle side of the grater.

Finely chop the garlic or let it through the press.

Break eggs in a bowl.

Pour kefir into the eggs.

Add garlic and cheese crumbs.

Salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.

Drain water from the multicooker bowl.

Cut cabbage into small pieces of the same size and put in a slow cooker.

Pour with egg mixture, mix with a wooden spatula.

Snap on the lid and set the baking program.

Cooking time - 20 minutes at a temperature of no higher than 120 degrees.

White fish with spinach

Any white fish can be an excellent basis for preparing a wholesome and delicious diet dish in the multiwark, the recipe of which is given below. Spinach will give it piquancy and special tenderness. You can use both fresh and frozen stems.


a pound of fish fillet (pollock, cod, hake, tilapia, haddock, etc.);

• four hundred grams of spinach;

• three tablespoons of low fat sour cream;

• half a glass of nonfat milk;

• half a spoonful of ground ginger root or the same amount of ginger powder;

• whispers of nutmeg;

• salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash the fish with ice water, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into portions.

Put the fish on the bottom of the multicooker.

Wash the spinach, dip in a towel and chop finely. Thaw frozen stems beforehand.

Sprinkle spinach over fish fillet.

Mix sour cream and milk, pour the mixture into a slow cooker.

Salt and pepper.

Close the cover.

Turn on baking mode for 10 minutes.

Switch the program to stewing and cook for 20 minutes.

Five minutes before the end of the program, sprinkle the dish with spices.

If the slow cooker is low-power, you can extend the cooking for another 10 minutes, then let the fish stand under the lid in the heating mode.

Stuffed Pepper in a slow cooker

A more complex, but no less tasty dish is a traditional version of stuffed pepper. Try to implement this diet recipe in a slow cooker, and a delicious appetizing meal will surprise and please with simplicity. To reduce calories, you need to add more vegetables to the mince - carrots, tomatoes, onions.


• six bell peppers (focus on the size of the bowl and peppers);

• four hundred grams of any minced meat or a mixture of several minced meat;

• one hundred grams of rice;

• two tomatoes;

• two onions;

• two carrots;

• salt and pepper;

• four cloves of garlic;

• two tablespoons of tomato paste;

• two tablespoons of low fat sour cream;

• spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Minced vegetables (carrots, onions, tomatoes), wash, peel and cut into small pieces.

Pour through a meat grinder.

From peppers cut out the middle and the stalk.

Put minced vegetables and uncooked rice in minced meat, salt, sprinkle with pepper and mix.

Wash the washed pepper with minced meat.

Put the semi-finished products with the tips down. If you need to cook more small peppers, you can lay them horizontally in layers.

Combine two glasses of water with tomato paste and sour cream, salt, pour the sauce into the bowl so that the peppers are half the size of the pod.

Turn on baking mode for 20 minutes.

After boiling the sauce, switch the program to stew and leave it under the lid for an hour.

Turkey with vegetables in a slow cooker

Of all the recipes for dietary dishes in a slow cooker, it is easiest to cook turkey meat with ready-made vegetable slices from the supermarket. Regardless of the season, it will turn out equally tasty, and it is with that vegetable side dish that you like most. In summer, you can take vegetables from the garden.


• a pound of turkey fillet;

• a package of frozen vegetables (400 grams);

• salt, pepper, spices and spices to taste;

• half a glass of water;

• onion.

Cooking method:

Wash the fillet, pat it dry with napkins and cut into thin cubes.

Cut the peeled onion, if desired, into rings or cubes.

Put meat and onions in a bowl without adding oil.

Close the lid, start the baking program for 15 minutes.

Put frozen vegetables in a colander, rinse with water, and dry.

Put the vegetables on top of the turkey, salt and season with pepper, spices, herbs.

Pour in water, turn on the pilaf cooking mode for 30 minutes.

Lush omelet in a slow cooker

You can reduce the calorie content of an already dietary omelet if you cook it not in a frying pan with oil, but in a slow cooker. It turns out a delicious air omelet, which, due to sour cream, acquires an unusual taste and tenderness.


• four chicken eggs;

• three tablespoons of sour cream;

• one hundred milliliters of milk;

• salt;

• optionally add greens

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients in a whisk bowl.

Cut dill and put on the bottom of the multicooker.

Pour in the egg mixture.

Set the baking program for 20 minutes.

Baking time needs to be adjusted for your appliance.

You can cook in a container for a couple. In this case, the average cooking time is 30 minutes.

Slow Cooker Diet - Tips & Tricks

Cooking time for diet foods in a slow cooker may vary depending on the specific model. Do not be afraid to try dishes to achieve the desired result.

In a slow cooker, you can use frozen foods. For example, prepare vegetables for stew in advance, stuffed peppers, fish slices, spinach slices, etc. It remains to take out the products and immediately send them to the bowl of the multicooker. In this case, the cooking time will increase by 10 minutes.


Watch the video: 3 Easy & Delicious CrockPot or Slow Cooker Meals! Mediterranean Chicken + Mexican Beef Stew (June 2024).