Morning workout: advice from a professional trainer. The benefits and need for a morning workout


It is not necessary to make big sacrifices to keep yourself and your body in shape. Gyms and jogging are of course very useful, but I don’t play a decisive role. In the minds of most people, they have become almost the only way to take care of their health, which is not the case. Everything is much simpler - just remember the Soviet era. It is, of course, about the morning warm-up. In the old days, much attention was paid to it, and therefore the nation was strong and healthy. In this article, we will talk in detail about this way of taking care of your body.

Why do morning workouts?

To answer this question, it is enough to give a simple example. Let's say a car. Sitting behind the wheel, you are not trying to immediately develop a speed of 200 km / h, right? And you do this not only for security reasons and not for breaking the rules. An unheated engine simply will not be able to cope with such sudden loads and will fail.

In fact, our bodies are also peculiar machines. Only instead of metal parts, they use biological material. Basically pretty much the same thing. To sprint, what do people do initially? That's right - they warm up well. This practice helps not only improve your results. Its main goal is the prevention of various injuries. Cold joints and ligaments are much more prone to damage, sprains and dislocations.

Morning warm-up has almost the same meaning, but in a slightly different form. You also warm up your entire body, helping him prepare for the stresses he will experience during the day. But besides this, morning warm-up helps to “wake up” your body.

Pros of morning workout

Firstly, if you compare it with the same run, it is less energy intensive. You do not have to overpower yourself, trying to run the extra couple of laps, despite the long-started shortness of breath. With a warm-up, everything is much simpler - a simple set of exercises that can be performed even at home. However, on the street it will not only be more interesting, but also more beneficial for health, to breathe in the morning fresh air, which has not yet been saturated with exhaust from millions of cars - believe me, it's worth it.

Carrying out a warm-up in the morning, for a short period of time, you repeatedly accelerate the blood flow of your body, which was slowed down at night. Thus, you finally wake up, and get a charge of vivacity and energy that you can carry with you throughout the day.

Regular morning workouts can improve quality and longevity. Modern life is due to the fact that you spend a huge amount of time sitting or lying down. This situation is unusual for our body, which was created for regular walking and running. This leads to the fact that your bone and cartilage tissue is deformed, and its nutrition worsens. Yes, unfortunately, even our bones need some kind of food, and if you ignore this need, you risk acquiring a lot of unpleasant diseases. This is especially true for those who work at the computer - the body has been in the same position for a very long time and this cannot but adversely affect your health. That is why, in the modern world, many such ailments are developing that were unfamiliar to our ancestors. An unpleasant but obvious example is osteochondrosis.

Performing a warm-up every morning will allow not only your body to feel more energetic, but also your brain. Firstly, doing physical exercises causes the heart to pump more blood through the body. The faster the blood passes through the brain, the more it will receive nutrients, and accordingly, it will work better.

In addition, simple exercises for 15-20 minutes will cause your body to produce a large amount of endorphins - hormones of joy. So the morning warm-up will give you a portion of good mood, which is sometimes so necessary at the beginning of the working day!

Even such an elementary occupation as charging can strengthen your spirit and will. Daily training at the same time will educate you in discipline, and it will become much easier for you to keep yourself from the temptations in other areas.

Some useful tips for a morning workout

To ensure that your exercise is equally correct and useful, we offer you some tips to help you get the most out of this activity.

1. Morning warm-up should be carried out immediately after waking up. That is, you should not waste time for breakfast and shower procedures. Firstly, on a full stomach, it will be inconvenient for you to deal with. As for the soul - you don’t want to wash yourself one more time later, or put things on a sweaty body?

2. Place a small bottle of water next to you at bedtime. A volume of 0.5l is perfect. After drinking it immediately after waking up, you will accelerate your metabolism, and the body will be able to wake up faster.

3. Exercises for charging are simply incredible. You need to choose them based on the fact that at first the simplest exercises are done, and as they progress, more and more complex and multifunctional.

4. Warm up should not start with stretching exercises - so you risk pulling unheated ligaments.

5. A good stretch of the muscles is very useful at the end of the workout - so you improve their blood supply and nutrients.

How to do a morning workout

It’s best to start charging with the usual sips.. To do this, you don’t even have to get out of bed - immediately after waking up, gently stretch your arms to the side of the head and legs down. This procedure is not only very useful, but also surprisingly enjoyable! It is unlikely that there is at least one person in the world who will say something against sipping in the morning. I want to note that sipping is not the same as stretching. Muscle stretching should be performed for approximately 25-30 seconds for each muscle group. In addition, it must be done in such a way as to feel a little discomfort, but in no case a pain.

After such lulls, you can proceed directly to the warm-up. It is best done from top to bottom, without missing a single joint or muscle.

Starting from the neck. There are several exercises for her. Head tilts in four directions, clockwise rotation of the head or tilts along an arbitrary path. You should feel how your joints and muscles work during the exercise, and not bring them discomfort.

After that we pass to hands. We start with the shoulder joints. Put your hands on your shoulders and twist them in that position. First forward, then back.

The next is one hand above, the other below. Into two scores for each hand, lift them alternately, and try to take them as far back as possible.

We pass to the elbows. Spread your arms in different directions, bend at the elbow joints, and begin to rotate them. First, one way, then the other, four to eight accounts.

Wrists - clasp your hands in the lock, and in this position, start at a fast pace to rotate the brushes. Also, first one way, then the other way.

We pass to the back. Hands in front of the chest are bent at the elbows, legs shoulder-width apart. Rotate the body first to the left, then to the right.

Tilts of the body to the legs. Spread your legs as wide as possible, and in the starting position of the hands on the belt. Lean by touching your toes first to the left foot, then to the gap between the two legs, and then to the right. In the fourth account, bend back as much as possible.

Next is the rotation of the pelvis. Putting your hands on your belt, turn first in one direction, then in the other direction.

We pass to the legs. The simplest but most useful exercise is lunges. After them, you can begin to make rolls from the left foot to the right.

For a good study of the joints of the foot and knees, it is enough to rotate them intensively.

It’s not necessary to have a sports education to come up with your own warm-up program. Just remember the old physical education lessons, and try to add as many different exercises to your training as possible. The better you work out your body in the morning, the better you will feel during the day.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz's Morning Workout (July 2024).