Lentils in a slow cooker - recipes for health! Options for first and second courses, the best recipes from lentils for slow cookers


Lentils differs from other legumes not only in the variety of varieties, but also in taste, cooking speed, and a set of useful substances.

It is cooked much faster, dishes from it are very tasty and are popular.

It is easy and simple to cook them in a slow cooker.

Will we try?

Lentils in a slow cooker - general cooking principles

In a slow cooker, lentils most often cook soups, cereals, stews. But you can use a kitchen helper to boil beans, which will be used in other dishes. Usually lentils do not require pre-soaking in water. But if it is indicated in the recipe, then the beans are poured for the specified time. Water should be cold.

In general, the cooking time of the beans until soft depends on the type of lentil. On average, you can adhere to the following standards:

• red varieties 16-18 minutes;

• brown 22 minutes;

• yellow varieties 20 minutes;

• black 20 minutes;

• green 3 from 30 to 40 minutes.

Of course, this is average data. The time may vary slightly depending on the degree of maturity and moisture of the product. Also, additional ingredients affect the time, for example, in tomato, beans are boiled for much longer.

What lentils are cooked with:

• meat, poultry;

• mushrooms;

• dried fruits, nuts;

• vegetables.

In the dishes you can add various spices, seasonings, sauces, flavoring additives. The following programs are mainly used for cooking: stewing, pilaf (buckwheat), soup. If you need to do a preliminary frying of the ingredients, then the "Baking" will perfectly cope with the task.

Lentils in a slow cooker: recipe with vegetables

The simplest way to cook lentils in a slow cooker, the recipe is suitable for fasting and vegetarians. The color and grade of the main product do not matter.


• onion head;

• a glass of lentils;

• clove of garlic;

• 1-2 carrots;

• 1 pepper;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• salt;

• 4 glasses of water.


  1. Pour any oil into the slow cooker, you can take sunflower or olive. We set the baking mode.

  2. Add chopped onion, then throw and carrots. Fry vegetables for about five minutes.

  3. Add sweet pepper, cut the pod arbitrarily. Fry and throw garlic.

  4. We wash the lentils, sort it out. Beans can not be soaked. If you know that your product is cooked for a long time, then you can hold it a little in cold water.

  5. Throw in a slow cooker, pour four glasses of salted water.

  6. Close, turn on the buckwheat mode and wait for the ready signal.

  7. We open and enjoy a fragrant, healthy and lean dish. Such lentils can be used as a side dish.

Lentil Soup in a Multicooker: First Course Recipe

The recipe for a fragrant and healthy lentil soup in a slow cooker, which is prepared with veal. But you can always shorten and simplify the recipe by preparing a vegetarian option without meat.


• 0.4 kg of veal;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• a glass of yellow lentils;

• onion head;

• three potatoes;

• salt, paprika;

• carrot;

• several branches of parsley.


1. We cut the veal with blocks, as for goulash. Sprinkle with sweet paprika, salt and let it rest for an hour, let the product soak in the sauce.

2. Peel and chop all the recipe vegetables. The size of the pieces, as well as the shape, we do at our discretion.

3. Fry the meat in baking mode for about a quarter of an hour, add oil immediately, it is better to cover the lid. We periodically check that the product does not burn.

4. Add onions with carrots, fry for another five minutes.

5. Add the washed lentils, a glass of water and cook for a quarter hour on the stewing program.

6. We rearrange programs to the soup mode.

7. Add the potato tubers, pour boiling water to the desired level, adjust the density of the soup yourself, salt.

8. We continue to cook on the stewing program for another half hour.

9. The finished dish is seasoned with parsley. You can add garlic, laurel and other seasonings.

Lentils in a slow cooker: recipe with chicken

A variant of a dish of lentils with chicken, which is simple and easy to cook in a slow cooker. It is somewhat reminiscent of pilaf, but only rice is replaced by beans. Great recipe for dinner or lunch. Chicken fillet is used.


• 1.5 cups of lentils;

• 3 glasses of water;

• 0.5-0.7 kg of fillet;

• 1 tomato or a little pasta;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 0.2 kg of carrots;

• 40 ml of oil;

• dill, spices;

• 2 onion heads.


1. Cut carrots and onions into large strips. If desired, you can cook without onions, but put a lot of carrots.

2. Lay vegetables with oil and fry in baking mode until half ready.

3. Add the chopped fillet and continue to fry.

4. As soon as the chicken pieces are bright on all sides, we throw the chopped pepper with grated tomato, and after a couple of minutes washed lentils.

5. Prescription water is slightly salted; you can add any seasoning directly to it.

6. Pour the products, close our assistant and prepare the dish on pilaf mode. Tasty and easy!

Lentils in a slow cooker: recipe with minced meat

Another recipe for lentil porridge, this time it is cooked with minced meat. Its composition can be any, the type of meat does not matter.


• a glass of lentils;

• 2 cups boiling water;

• 180 grams of minced meat;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 carrot;

• oil, seasoning.


1. Pour a few tablespoons of oil into the bowl, throw the chopped onion, fry for two minutes.

2. Add carrots, followed by minced meat. It is not necessary to fry for a long time, until a slight color change.

3. Run the washed and sorted lentils. Soak beans in advance is not necessary.

4. Pour the prescription boiling water until we add salt and spices.

5. Install the pilaf program, cook for 15 minutes.

6. Open, add salt and other seasonings.

7. Close and wait for the signal to finish cooking.

Lentils in a slow cooker: recipe for tomato soup

An amazing version of lentil soup in a slow cooker, for which it is desirable to soak the product a little. A dish without meat, but you can always add meat broth.


• 5 tomatoes;

• a glass of lentils;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 carrot;

• 0.8 liters of broth or water;

• salt pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• Greens, garlic.


1. Soak the lentils for about fifteen minutes.

2. Turn on the baking mode, add oil.

3. Throw onions and carrots, cut vegetables with any slices. Fry for ten minutes.

4. While preparing the vegetables, we rub the tomatoes, we immediately get rid of the skins.

5. Add lentils to the slow cooker, pour a glass of broth and cook for 10 minutes on the stewing program.

6. Pour the tomato, salt and pepper, add the remaining broth and cook for another half hour.

7. In the soup we put greens, garlic, serve with crackers and sour cream.

Lentils in a slow cooker: recipe for dishes with mushrooms

Another lean, but very satisfying recipe for lentils in a slow cooker. Such porridge can be cooked with absolutely any mushrooms. Mushrooms are used in this recipe.


• 0.3 kg of champignons;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 cup lentils;

• 2 glasses of water;

• 1 spoon of tomato as desired;

• seasonings;

• Sweet pepper;

• 50 grams of oil.


1. Rinse fresh champignons. If the mushrooms are frozen, then thaw and squeeze out all the water in advance. We cut the product in arbitrary pieces.

2. Pour oil into the multicooker, you can add a little less. We start the mushrooms and fry until all water is completely evaporated on the baking program.

3. As soon as the product begins to fry, and all the moisture is gone, start the onion, diced.

4. Let the lentils stand in water while the mushrooms are being prepared.

5. Add pepper and tomato paste to the slow cooker.

6. After a couple of minutes, spread the lentils.

7. Pour boiling water, salt and pepper.

8. We cook on the pilaf program before the signal. At the end, you can add more salt, any seasonings and bring the dish to the desired taste.

Lentils in a slow cooker: a recipe for a fragrant dish with eggplant

A variant of a delicious and easy-to-cook lentil dish in a slow cooker. Recipe with eggplant and prunes. The dish requires pre-soaking the beans so that they cook faster.


• 0.5 cups of lentils;

• 3 eggplants;

• 15 pieces of prunes;

• 50 grams of nuts;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tsp lemon juice;

• different peppers;

• salt;

• some oil;

• mustard, ginger.


1. Fill lentils with cold water, leave to swell for about an hour, it can be a little longer.

2. Cut the eggplant into cubes. If the vegetable is bitter, then you can pre-soak it. But then you need to squeeze it well.

3. Pour a little oil, run the eggplant into the multicooker and fry, but not for long, just a little bit.

4. Add the swollen lentils, pour the boiling water so much that it covers the products.

5. We put out the quenching program, cook for a quarter of an hour.

6. Add washed prunes.

7. Throw walnuts. You can fry the kernels a little before, it will be tastier.

8. Add salt, different types of pepper, put a small spoonful of mustard, lemon juice a little ginger. All you need to mix well and smooth the surface with a spoon.

9. We just stick the garlic cloves in the dish.

10. Cover and cook another 10-15 minutes on the same program.

11. Serve this dish in both cold and hot.

Lentils in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• If you add a little vegetable oil when cooking lentils, it will boil better and turn out to be much tastier.

• To make beans boil faster and retain all the nutrients in themselves, pour them only with boiling water.

• If you add salt to the lentils immediately, it will cook for a long time and remain firm. Any spices should be added at the end of preparation or in the second part.

• Orange lentils are best for soup. Green and brown beans are best used for second courses.


Watch the video: HOW TO COOK LENTILS IN THE INSTANT POT (July 2024).